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Chrome trim.

Hey, my 99 mounty has chrome trim around the grill area, right in the center top of tht trim peice a a air line thing, like an air bubble but in line form lol, and idk how to fix it, its not a huge deal but its bugs the heck out of me!

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a picture would help a lot

I know what he is talking about. It is the chrome blistering on the grill. I too have this, but it is not a big enough deal to me to do anything about it at this time. Here is a picture of what he is talking about, however his sounds like in a "line" form rather than "bubble". Mine is more of a "blob" form. LOL

I would suggest either finding an OEM replacement at the yards, or Craigslist, or on ebay they have chrome grills that "snap and stick" over your original.

Good luck with what you do.

A possible fix if you don't HAVE to have chrome is to just sand off the chrome, then paint it either the body color or something else. If you're good with a rattle can, spray paint to match the original paint code is available at auto parts stores or online.

Otherwise if you have to have chrome, check the For Sale section of the forum often, plenty of members parting out who'll sell you their chrome grill in good shape.

You could also get it re-chromed, but that might be the most expensive option of all.

where is the for sale forum located?
