How do i remove the Stock Sub. encloser | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How do i remove the Stock Sub. encloser


December 19, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
san diego, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Mountineer
I have a 98 mountineer and teh mach audio system, my sub is blow to bit but i cant figure out how to take the sub out the replace it. i have all the screws i can see out and it kinda spins in place but wont come out, any ideas?

In my '99 mountaineer you have to remove the entire sub enclosure. There is a single bolt from the rear of the box that screws into to magnet of the sub. Hope that helps.

ok thanks, i figured there was a bolt, but of do i get to it, do i have the take the whole rear panel off?

yeah pretty much.
The extra effort makes it worth wile for sake of ease.

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