Int. light comes on with vibration (HELP) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Int. light comes on with vibration (HELP)


June 11, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Tampa FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
08 Explorer SportTrac XLT
Ok I need some help with this strange situation going on. My interior lights come on by theirselves. Mostly from vibration like when i go over a rough patch in the road or go over some railroad tracks, but it doesnt happen all the time. It has also happened while making a left turn a few times. Drumming on the sterring wheel will do it as well and thats how i get the lights to pop off. The only thing i can figure is theres a loose wire somewhere but my question is where. Like i said, hammering on the steering wheel will get it to shut off so im assuming the wire, or whatever, is in that general area.

Does anyone know what this might be? any help is greatly appreciated. Sorry for the long post.

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I'm gonna take a shot here. I have a 3rd Gen Ex and not an ST! From what you are describing, I'd say it is loose wire(s) at the multifunction switch or a faulty multifunction switch.

Hopefully the ST guys will chime in soon. Good luck with the fix. :D:thumbsup:

Ford has special service message to replace ignition tumbler for this concern. If it has power seats they may move slightly also. If you move the key around it may do it also.

Thanks for bailing me out swetrid. ;)

Im not sure if I understand this correctly. Are you saying that when the key is in the ignition, it may be rattleing around causing this? also i dont have power seats

Maybe this is NOT related, but I have experienced less than reliable operation of the overhead dome light switch. It is garbage and could come on with vibration.
