Knocking in steering wheel? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Knocking in steering wheel?


Elite Explorer
December 30, 2002
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2019 Explorer Sport
2014 Sport with 37k. When I am stopped and shake the steering wheel left and right, I hear a slight knocking sound that I can also feel in the floor. Given the steering is electronic, I rule out linkage. The car drives smooth; though, I do notice some knocking on rough roads, but nothing really loud or annoying. Checked the sway bar links for that noise and they seem fine.

Is this normal?


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Given the steering is electronic said:
If I understand you correctly, this is not true. The steering is conventional with linkage from the steering wheel to the rack and pinion as is conventional on most cars. The 'electronics' are the power steering unit itself.

Now that we have that cleared up, perhaps the steering column is loose a bit and needs some tightening? The other more extreme issue may be a bad bearing in the column. This is usually caused by using the steering wheel to hold on to when you enter the cab putting a strain on this bearing each time it's done. I would check the former first. :salute:

This is in the front end. I can feel something clanking. It's not significant. I guess I should ask this way - if you sit still in a parking lot and turn left and right, just a bit each way, do you hear a knocking?

Upper strut bushings and/or damaged/worn out front trail arm linkages (I forget exactly what they are called. Search my old posts, and you will see the repair info).

Thanks for the link. I don't think it's the strut bearings. I get no noise when I turn - no popping/grinding, etc. It's just a light knock when I am stationary and jerk the wheek right/left. I do suspect the sway bar links are loosening as I hear some knocking/crunch over bumps at lower speeds - under 30mph. But, not always.

Doesn't it seem early (37k) to be having issues with sway bar links and, possibly, struts/strut bearings?


Thanks for the link. I don't think it's the strut bearings. I get no noise when I turn - no popping/grinding, etc...

Have you taken your Explorer to the dealer to get diagnosed? If not, Please make an appointment here. Let me know when it’s scheduled. Also, be sure to private message (PM) me your full name, VIN, dealer, and best daytime phone number. I’ll be happy to look into available options to assist at that time! :)


I appreciate the offer, Tricia. The issue is intermittent, but will only get worse. My experience is that all three dealers in my area will balk at it until it's happening nearly all the time. Suddenly, I've invested several hours to hear, "can't duplicate the concern." Like I brought it in because I was bored or something. Ha! Geesh...

When it becomes more frequent, I will reach out.

Thanks again,

NOT NORMAL. I JUST had this happen to me last week, had a knock when I rocked the wheel back and forth so I took it in to the dealer and they replaced the whole rack and pinion steering. Have it checked out! Also there is a TSB out for some washers to be installed to take excessive play out of the CV axles which can also cause clunking when turning. So have them check for that too.

my 13 did this and it was the "strut brace arm" that was worn and replaced. Thankfully no happening (*yet*) in my 16

Do you mean the sway bar links? Can't see how the Stuart tower brace (engine bay) would cause this. Am I missing something?
