Specific sct X3 tunes - what have you got? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Specific sct X3 tunes - what have you got?

lynchy wa

Down Under Beer Explorer
September 30, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Albany, Western Australia
Year, Model & Trim Level
Care to share the specific custom tunes you have in your X3? Details would be nice.

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I am currently running an 89 torque tune. I don't think my mileage got noticeably worse. I did notice a nice increase in power, particularly up to 3000 RPM or so. I also have a 93 torque tune but I haven't tried it yet...been pretty happy with the 89.

I thought about doing an e85 tune but there's only 1 station in my area and it's a 20 minute drive away, so not really worth it in my case.

There's a lot of other stuff you can use the tuner for...like compensating for tire size changes, differential gear changes, and transmission shift pressure.

awesome thanks Ronin, keep 'em coming people:thumbsup:

I've got an SF3 with the 3 canned tunes as well as an 87 Street Tune from James @ Henson. I just got the custom loaded today and its significantly better than the canned ones. James is damn good at what he does.

I will be hiting him up for a few others, namely a 91 torque and 91 street probably, but right now my company pays for my gas and the card doesn't work on anything higher than 87. When I get a company vehicle I'll be upgrading the tunes and doing a proper K&N FIPK as well as a dual exhaust set up to go with the higher octane tunes.

I have: 89 Tow, 91 Street and 93 Race. I pretty much only use the 91 Street:)

Thinking about doing some datalogging and see if James can fine tune the tune.

finally got my funds together for a tuner !!!!!

so who can give me the proper info i need to get the ball rolling with james ?

IE - info, email ? etc etc...

I know everyone says it's awesome and all buuuuuuut.... Where are the numbers? Track times? Dyno Hp/tq gains??? People saying it's awesome isn't enough to justify buying this. A comperission between octanes and different tunes would be awesome!!!

I know everyone says it's awesome and all buuuuuuut.... Where are the numbers? Track times? Dyno Hp/tq gains??? People saying it's awesome isn't enough to justify buying this. A comperission between octanes and different tunes would be awesome!!!

Look into Aldive's qwest for 30 MPG thread. He did dyno runs as well as MPG runs. The thread is over 100 pages but be patient. it's in there.

I run the default 93 tune. I have headers, MAC high flow mid piping, and a Cold Air intake. My mileage has gone down a little, but I believe it's just the cold weather. Very strong in power though for a V6. I am impressed.

Appreciate all the comments. This is a big help to me (and I'm sure others) who arent really sure what they want from their sct or what its capable of. Thanks again and keep 'em coming.:thumbsup:

Has anyone dynoed with basic exhuast, intake and a this Tune at any octanes? I just want to get atleast a rough estamate on how much more power i can expect to gain....

I'd email/phone James at Henson performance, seeing as he has a dyno at his joint. He could probably give you the figures youre chasing, at least you'd have a starting point for any comparisons between stock/exhaust/cai or what ever other mods you can think of. Just in case anyone missed the contact details:


Phone: (205) 531 0598.

ive got 95 Street, 95 Tow and 98 Street for mine.

i always run i on 98 but in case im out in the scrub or some place where i cant get hold of some 98 i can still run normal premium and just tune her for it

the one thing ive noticed goin from stock to the 98 tune is the pickup off the line , it just gets up and goes a lot quicker and of course the shifts r much firmer and consitent

Cheers Morziak, long time no see.:)

just ordered my tuner from James... :D

cant wait to get a little more power, and mpg performance !!!!!!

87 street / 89 street / 91 street - back up stock tune...

They sound wicked Danny. Mine should be here this week, and James said he'd email my tunes to me after a data read. Might go and check the usps tracking no.:D

i just cant wait to get my A/F ratio fixed for better mpg, cause now especially cause winter fuel is now out, my mpg has dropped back down to like 11 mpg :(

i do 95% stop/go city driving...

11 mpg is evil. It will be nice to sort out the a/f, my tranny (transmission, not transexual. I havent got one of those yet:D) isn't to sure what to do with the new pipe/muffler/filter set up, and like you said awhile ago: get the mods then bring it all together with a tune.

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Sct rocked up, I was out in the back shed cutting timber and didn't hear the postal chick toot the horn. S***,S***,S***... just killing some time until I go pick it up from the post office. Bloody typical.
