Official BS thread!! | Page 19 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Official BS thread!!

Look at my new ass guys!!!


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IAmTodd said:
Look at my new ass guys!!!
Uh, Todd?? Ya coulda worded that a little better!! Dead Link Removed

But THE TRUCK looks nice :D

looking good, glad to see u kept the windjammer i got you for ur bday...god dam* gotta love that ass... :p

ExplorerEB96 said:
Can't seem to get my sh*t together.... I will be doing some runs this year I promise!!


starting the 23rd of jan at paragon....u better be there! ;)

(it's a bad 'chop, but you get the idea... this was hanging on the front door of my dealership :D )


  • right tool 4 the job post.jpg
    right tool 4 the job post.jpg
    46.8 KB · Views: 265

Spas said:

* thinks this forum should not have pink as a color option.

Well, I wanna put this where everyone will know how grateful I am:

THANK YEW, JUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jack handles a CRAPload better than before, the trans is shifting smoother than it has in years, the brakes actually WORK, and that half a horsepower from shaving the throttle spacer really makes a difference :D ;) :rolleyes:

Thank you so much!
