B&A: Computer Monitors (17" CRT to 20" Wide) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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B&A: Computer Monitors (17" CRT to 20" Wide)

Well, I gave myself an early Christmas present this year - especially with ebay running a 10% coupon (expires tomorrow 11/30). Anyway, it's a Dell 2005FPW 20.1" Widescreen LCD monitor. It's a very cool monitor and saves a lot of space on my small little desk. Take a peek (sorry for the bad pictures).


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Before: 17" CRT


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After: 20.1" 2005FPW LCD Flat Panel


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definately sexy.

what are you doing with the old crt now? once i got a new lcd, i used the old one for dual monitor support. once you have more than 1 screen, you can never go back.

I'd hit it. Looks nice!

phuct said:
what are you doing with the old crt now? once i got a new lcd, i used the old one for dual monitor support. once you have more than 1 screen, you can never go back.

The old CRT will be put back in its box and will wait for its day again. Once I get my other computer at my girlfriends place -- the flat monitor will go there and the CRT will be back with this computer.


Very nice.. I would go dual monitor setup.. Once you do, you'll never want to go back.

Blee1099 said:
Very nice.. I would go dual monitor setup.. Once you do, you'll never want to go back.

That would be cool -- but as you can see... no room for 2 monitors.


ExplorerDMB said:
That would be cool -- but as you can see... no room for 2 monitors.


Get a bigger desk or put the desktop on the ground or somewhere else.

Awesome! I myself just got a new setup at home, I got a deal at Comp USA I could NOT pass up.
I got a Samsung 19" LCD for $325 and a new HP desktop, 3 GHZ, 1 G Ram, DVD burner, 250 M HD, etc etc $900

After rebates the whole deal was under $1000

Once you have flat screen you will NEVER go back. I can't stand those round monitors anymore! hahaha

Blee1099 said:
Get a bigger desk or put the desktop on the ground or somewhere else.

hes got the idea!

i bought a whole other desk to put next to my current one. you desperately need the room for 4 monitors and a laptop. but also, 3 of those are damn crt's :\

well at least my room stays warm during winter..

at school we have 17" CRT monitors and everything look so odd. Many of the pages I look at are all squeeze together.


This is how I rock the 17s..... This website on one and Winter XGames on the other.


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Update: I recently bought a Laptop that has a dual video card - so I use the 20-incher on that




this is my set up, cept i have a black keyboard now and (not in pic) is to my left when in the chair is my 60" sony wega which is connected via Svideo

Cool set up, but I promise you - you'll be amazed by the room you'll save by going to a flat panel. It's amazing! :thumbsup:


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