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Club Meeting

Stang Girl

Explorer Addict
July 11, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Bastrop, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'04 Cobra R Clone
Looks like our first meeting of 2007 will happen the weekend of April 28th....let us know if you are coming. ;)

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I'll head out on my bike tomorrow. :p: What will we be discussing?

Web cam the meeting? :D

For you and Section, we will have the webcam on for a teleconferencing.

Topics for Discussion:

1. What is wrong with Mudd*****'s "Saint" tranny or new seal?
2. Does Kris need to remove the balancing shaft or just modify the k-member?
3. What parts are still needed for Succubus?
4. When is Succubus getting put together? :rolleyes:
5. When are we go wheeling again? :p:
6. How many vehicles is Johnstone going to buy for parts for the Evil Sexy ST? :confused:
7. When is Froader and Section coming back to Texas?
8. Has Bailey recovered yet from the last Demon GTG?
9. Does Michael really like the white stripes on his truck?
10. Are we going to see TxPlates in person?
11. Is Zavaral going to let SVO weld up the rear in his truck?
12. Will the yard be dried up enough to get the vehicles moved by the 28th?
13. Will SVO have Jared's motor in his Heep by then?
14. When is Kris going to leave the Fashion Hoe with me.....I mean, SVO? ;)
15. How much Guiness will Mudd***** and SVO drink over the weekend?

And any other topics that may pop up over the SVO garagecam....:D Should be another interesting weekend. :thumbsup:

I think you guys need to get jamest to show up and possibly a bbq grill throwing contest going.. :D

It was a blast guys.. Thanks for the hospitality, it was fun suprising Jeff.. The look on your face was priceless. I was finally able to put faces with names.

For you and Section, we will have the webcam on for a teleconferencing.


The garage was definately a mess.. No way in hell a meeting would have been held.. Then again I believe the meeting was held at Roadhouse Grill instead of at home so no webcam..

I'm sorry Froader...if I had my phone, we would've called you for a conference call. Kris was voted in as Secretary for the group (he was asleep when voted in :p: ) so he should have copies of all the minutes for everyone....:D

Wasn't Johnstone voted out for having tires under the 35" height restriction :D

I'm having a craving for a Roadhouse burger still.. Damn it.

I'm having a craving for a Roadhouse burger still.. Damn it.

HAHAHAHA, just don't let Colin/Johnny know aout the breakfast tacos ;)

Johnstone couldn't protest due to the fact that he was drunk and getting married to someone by Elvis in Vegas, so he was down fallen to "Mall Crawler" :salute:

What a great time, and yes the garage was a disaster, with all the HOA, house builder, two faced neighbours and other crap, the web cam meeting was a no go, so it was held off site.

If Jamest could throw that smoker, then I would be scared, that dude is HEAVY!


Jeff - :navajo:


Jeff - :navajo:

Awww, look...Bailey made it in the picture. For those who don't know....from left to right, Bailey (THE Retarded Weimaraner), Randall (Mudd*****), Jeff (SVO), Michael (Michael), Kris (Kris Guilbeaux), and Ben (Blee1099). Almost another EF mod meeting. :p: Anyway, Ben, it was awesome that you came down to surprise Jeff....can't wait for the next big surprise. ;) :D
