Trying to get it right- | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Trying to get it right-

My fabbing skills suck-I know this.
I feel my truck doesn't even deserve to be on these pages, where do I start?

here is the dirty ol thing as it sits now-I'm going in too attempt to address the issues.
Here is the list

1) leaking valve cover gasket---DONE!
2)oil leaking from fuel pressure guage
3) coilpack bracket needs modding---DONE!
4)intake tube needs fabbed--DONE!
5)throttle bracket fabrication--DONE!
6)wiring clean up--DONE
7) relocate egr stuff-extend wiring to solenoid and dpfe--DONE!
8) fix fuel lines-I don't need them running dual feed-DONE!
9) check lifters-rockers-retorque head nuts--DONE!
10) accessory wiring clean up --DONE!
11) powdercoat everything I can ---ongoing process

Now-this thing has been running fine yes-but if you looked under the hood you might wonder why. Let's see if I can't fix that-or at least improve a bit-


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ok step one
fabbing a new intake tube-

I'm working with this-
Mustang GT air box-I hope to duct this through the fender to draw cooler outside air-
notice the lightning maf attached-I just need to enlarge the diameter of the hole bit-

also-some mandrel bent tubing-3" stainless-
this will be the tube-somehow--:confused:

Out for fitment--


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sorry for the stupid Q but is the explorer 5.0l distributorless?i thought the 5.0l had a distributor.also is your mileage still over 15mpg?

Well already I have opened a can of worms--
If I can get the air box mounted as such-the air tube would be real short-just a section ot the 45 bend would do-
The mustang external air tube just is not going to fit-no way no how-
However-I still like the air box because it will shield the filter from fan wash-
I think I will still be able to duct cool air to it through the side wall. I'll enlarge the hole on the inner fender and run a flex tube through-

The problem-look close-
It is just shy of lining up-either the alternator harness-plug, or the radiator overflow bottle needs to go--
Ideas??? We're doing this one together.:thumbsup:

Oh-if we can-let's think out of the box first-I'd really like to keep the $$ spending down.
I'm thinking "cut the coolant overflow from the assembly and move it somewhere"


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Wow ditch that mustang air box thats horrible i'd find a voloant box like some one on the forum did or i know JLP uses a really nice one. or you could build one with a top a side and the side that points twards the tubing. Btw i wouldn't use metal tubing it shouldn't be that bad to make the plastic with that 45 degree elbow. it looks like you only need one bend

What is horrible about the mustang air box? All I need is a shield for the air filter-no need for a $250.00 one. It makes a real clean and convenient way to mount the maf also.Not to mention,the filter is a common one. It will work fine--

Btw i wouldn't use metal tubing it shouldn't be that bad to make the plastic with that 45 degree elbow. it looks like you only need one bend
Edit: never mind you like the box
How can I powdercoat the tube then?:D

I am using the stainless tubing-it will be all cleaned and powdercoated to match the intake manifold and throttle body.

Looks like I have enough left for my exhaust--:thumbsup:

How can I powdercoat the tube then?:D

I am using the stainless tubing-it will be all cleaned and powdercoated to match the intake manifold and throttle body.

Looks like I have enough left for my exhaust--:thumbsup:

Metal just asorbs alot of heat is the only reason i don't like it for the intake.
How do you powder coat stuff btw? do you have one of those oven kits or do you have a real place to heat stuff?

I do have to agree with xan about the intake tube, my mac intake gets super hot when I'm driving for a while. But it doesn't really effect the intake air temps over about 20mph so it really doesn't matter much.

edit: what about a smaller overflow box from a different car?

sorry for the stupid Q but is the explorer 5.0l distributorless?i thought the 5.0l had a distributor.also is your mileage still over 15mpg?

Explorers & Mountaineers had DIS as they were OBD II.

Who do you turn to when things aren't going your way?
This guy understands everything-and never laughs at your ideas-always there to move any obstacle-
I'm talking about our good friend-MR sawzall-

The overflow is history, I did leave the wiper fluid portion intact
If I need to I'll use the fitting off the bottom and make an overflow reservoir from a plastic bottle--:D

After removing my relocated-now to be relocated again vacuum reserve "globe", I removed the stock air box-relay box- mounting bracket and it fits the mustang airbox!!! Well, the feet fit-but the angle of the bracket must be changed-
I thought "oh boy-here we go again" since I was worried about the need to remove the relay box tabs--
To my surprise, I found that if I use the mounting stud left vacant by the overflow removal-by golly the front mounting hole of the airbox bracket fits over it and the whole thing lines up pretty well--:thumbsup:
Believe it or not-this leaves the intake opening of the Mustang air box facing directly towards the inner fender opening.In fact, I may be able to sneak that tube in there-facing backwards--
Now, what do you think of that?:D

I wish you well with that long list of items Jon, it's just tedious work. I like the Volant air cleaner, but it does not fit very well as designed, so skip that thought. I would like to build myself an air cleaner in that corner, from plastic and epoxy. I'd like to locate the largest air filter there as possible.

I have a 94 GT, the air filter isn't that big, fine for stock but you are past that. If there is positive air pressure behind the headlight, the stock air inlet is the best source. I think that there is good at speed flow, at lower speeds it may not be great.

What is wrong with your stock fuel lines, you mentioned dual inlets?

Just give it a minor cleaning under hood with engine degreaser/water, and you will like it better. Cover up sensitive non stock items though. Regards,

I wish you well with that long list of items Jon, it's just tedious work. I like the Volant air cleaner, but it does not fit very well as designed, so skip that thought. I would like to build myself an air cleaner in that corner, from plastic and epoxy. I'd like to locate the largest air filter there as possible.

I have a 94 GT, the air filter isn't that big, fine for stock but you are past that. If there is positive air pressure behind the headlight, the stock air inlet is the best source. I think that there is good at speed flow, at lower speeds it may not be great.

What is wrong with your stock fuel lines, you mentioned dual inlets?

Just give it a minor cleaning under hood with engine degreaser/water, and you will like it better. Cover up sensitive non stock items though. Regards,

Thanks Don, I need all the motivation I can get-my mind wants to do this but my body is being a prty pooper again-.

anyway-here is how it is going to be-I just need to get a 4" to 3" silicone adapter to attach MAF to tube.
Look how straight and simple it is-:thumbsup: just 2 small 45 degree steps, including the egr elbow-

I only used about 10" of the 45 elbow-but that's ok, I'll be needing the pipe for my exhuast.
Now-on to the throttle bracket--:confused:
Rocket said he'd make me one up-but need my throttle body for a while-
I'm trying to get this all done this weekend if possible--

Funny thing-I'll be putting the other intake back on just to keep it running until James and I can tune it--

About the fuel lines--
I'm using a T, and using dual feed through the rear of the rails, with dual outlets on the front of the rails going to the regulator-
I can also just tap the inlet into the driver side rail-and use a cross flow tube to connect the inlets on the rear of the rails-
this would eliminate about 4 feet of fuel line-and is actually the recommended install--


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I gotcha, just tidying up the lines. I don't look forward to replacing all of mine, the in tank work mostly.

I meant to ask before, what is the normal inlet piping size, is it 3"? What are the MAF sensor inlets? I'd like to use a size larger for insurance.

I gotcha, just tidying up the lines. I don't look forward to replacing all of mine, the in tank work mostly.

I meant to ask before, what is the normal inlet piping size, is it 3"? What are the MAF sensor inlets? I'd like to use a size larger for insurance.

The lightning maf in and outs are 4"

However-my throttle body is only 75mm-which is less than 3"

It will flow fine--

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Hmm How far away from NE are you? :D
Just head down highway 75--:thumbsup:

OK guys-here is where I am on this part
I didn't want to ever show these pictures-but they do show a little redneck genius so what the heck--

First picture-doesn't look good, but this actually worked several times-
I'd say 10-15 k miles this has hung in there-no cruise though:thumbdwn: :D
nary an issue with it-except for the pull is way off and it looks like crap.


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