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96 Explorer tranny problem

Evil Eye

Well-Known Member
November 4, 2007
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City, State
Surprise, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 Explorer XLT 4x4
96 Exloder XLT 4x4 - Tranny problem, delayed shifting for all gears up and down, kinda felt like a vacuum problem. Dropped the pan yesterday, needed a filter, but found these in the pan. Need some help with an exploded diagram of these parts and placement. Also, it appears that I've got something jammed in the "rooster comb" (pic 2). Just wanted some advice on whether this might be tackled by a DIY'er like myself.



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Thanks, guys. That's what I was afraid of. As the wife and I were driving to pick up my daughter from college, I mentioned that I thought the piece jammed in there was a piece of a broken band. I guess now I'm lookin at a rebuild.
