Techieman33's Front and rear axle swap | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Techieman33's Front and rear axle swap


DIY stunt double
Staff member
Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Humboldt, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mounty
Techieman33 is coming to Humboldt so we can swap both of his axles to 410's

And, some other little things we'll save as a surprise.

I thought I'd start a thread now instead of after the fact.

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Have fun with the swap.

Are you just swapping the alxes or going for the actuall gear swap.


Have fun with the swap.

Are you just swapping the alxes or going for the actuall gear swap.

Next week,
we are sapping complete axles, and I get a sweet deal on his 373's, which will cure my clink.

We've already run into a minor snag the rear axle I'm getting is from a v6 so it doesn't have the mounting tabs for the rear control arms, does anyone know where I can get that bracket, or run without them?

Cut the old one and reweld maybe? If not you can always fab up some brackets, shouldnt take too long.

Heck-if you need to go that far, weld in a nice track bar set up.

I don't know if my 90 amp (actually more like 70 amp) welder will cut it though.

I have seen v8 2wd without the control arms-I think it will drive fine. The leafs will hold it.

You could drive it to a welding shop to have the tabs welded on.

I guess you can run it arm-less and always come back to it later. Its not like the truck wont be drivable w/o it.

I now have both axles in my possession. I used to hate the smell of diff oil but now it's growing on me and I kind of like it after being around both leaking axles, the cover over the front was loose when I got it in the mail and there was fluid everywhere, and then the rear somehow worked it's way out of the straps on my way home and rolled over leaving the vent hole facing down so it could drip fluid all over. :eek:I'm just lucky that it didn't get through the moving blanket and into the carpet.



Good luck there, I'm going to be swapping my extra 3.73 parts with my V6 4.10 stuff. I'll end up with the 4.10's as spares, and sell the extra rear brakes and LS.

Swap the rear calipers at Autozone for rebuilt units. That is much easier than rebuilding them yourself, also not expensive.

BTW, I found another 3.73 front axle assembly. My favorite Ford technician had an extra from his old 96 Explorer, it was swapped at 12k when looking for a problem(driveshaft CV). He sold it to another tech, and suggested getting that instead of him rebuilding another for me. The first one cost a little under $150 total. I may end up with two spare fronts and two sets of rear brakes.

You won't need the traction bars- they didn't make any noticeable difference on mine- only limited flex, not a problem for you, but you won't notice a difference I'll bet.

JT has my phone number- call me if you need anything. I can do that front diff swap in the dark by now.

Jon, I thought you were going to do this in about a month :scratch:

You won't need the traction bars- they didn't make any noticeable difference on mine- only limited flex, not a problem for you, but you won't notice a difference I'll bet.

JT has my phone number- call me if you need anything. I can do that front diff swap in the dark by now.

Jon, I thought you were going to do this in about a month :scratch:

Dang-you aren't allowing any beer time Evan. 30 bonks--:hammer:

If it helps any, I never ran those bars after my V8 swap and all was well. I have been thinking of adding them now since I just swapped to a 3.73 LS rear from a V8 so it has the mounts. I have all the parts, maybe I will just do it. The multi-leafs can hold the power just fine.

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Swap the rear calipers at Autozone for rebuilt units. That is much easier than rebuilding them yourself, also not expensive.

I need the rebuild kits becuase they're being powdercoated, just in case being baked does any damage to the o-ring or dust boot.
