Redline Tuning Hood Quicklift for 2nd Gen-FREE (Michigan residents look) | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Redline Tuning Hood Quicklift for 2nd Gen-FREE (Michigan residents look)

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Its on, Monday at 4pm. I received a email from Andreas confirming it. Hopefully my next post will have pics.

Very cool. Andreas emailed me as well to let me know he had an appointment with you. Something intriguing they're also considering is a beefier version of the OEM struts for Explorers that fit in the OEM spot. Sort of at the idea stage, but he asked me what I thought about it and of course a much better version of the same crappy struts available these days would be more than welcome.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the struts. Pics would be appreciated. :thumbsup:

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Well first off. I will not just drop off my vehicle and let some stranger do god knows what to it. If they bust out a torch, I'm out. I plan on being there during the installation. I am only doing this to help out those interested, also the free factor is a plus. My current struts function perfectly. If this project was a concern to me I would have figured out something on my own. I will personally make sure this is worth your money and time.

Well first off. I will not just drop off my vehicle and let some stranger do god knows what to it. If they bust out a torch, I'm out. I plan on being there during the installation. I am only doing this to help out those interested, also the free factor is a plus. My current struts function perfectly. If this project was a concern to me I would have figured out something on my own. I will personally make sure this is worth your money and time.

If you surf around their site, they're definitely credible. Their user manuals always feature owner's vehicles as yours will soon be. They don't use torches to install, but there is some drilling involved to mount the brackets. I doubt you'll have any issues. If you don't like them, they seem to be easily removed and you could resort to the old struts. I don't think you'll want to.:)

have these struts been made for our Explorers Yet?

have these struts been made for our Explorers Yet?

not yet, heavymentill is going in to the shop tomorrow so that they can test measure and figure out how to make something work. Then hopefully sometime after that they will be available.

Change of plans. Light guru and mod of lighting forum on EF, "Bill Kemp" is our latest guinea pig. He's got an appointment with Andreas next Monday at 4PM. Looks like a Mounty will be the poster child for us 2nd gen "Explorer" owners. :D

Thanks Bill. I look forward to hearing about your experience.

Just got back from the install. All went really well & I'm impressed with the product and the guys who run the business. Will post some pics after I get some dinner.

Just got back from the install. All went really well & I'm impressed with the product and the guys who run the business. Will post some pics after I get some dinner.


Thanks Bill. :)

OK...Just so you know this was no easy task getting to Redline. I had to go through Hell to get there.


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The guys are Ford lovers.
They measured installed the fittings and tried a couple of different setups to find the struts that worked best with the weight of the hood.
Now I open the hood a little over 1/2 way and the struts push it up the rest of the way and HOLD it there.

They said it would be about three weeks untill they could write up the instructions w/pics and have these available on their website.

All in all it was an enjoyable drive (270 mi round trip) on a beautiful day and great to meet two car guys like Andreas & Brian who take pride in their work.

Thanks for the "heads up" Celly.


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I'm interested. Hood ate my head the other night. I'm fed up!

Been dere. Done dat. :splat:

I was about that mad too! Spanner went flying across the driveway and the bug guard got punched. :rolleyes:

I say we do a group buy on these.

Bill, did the hood end up any higher than stock? I have scraped the top of my head twice on the sharp hood hook. A couple of inches higher would make a lot of difference.

I was about that mad too! Spanner went flying across the driveway and the bug guard got punched. :rolleyes:

I say we do a group buy on these. watching? :p:

Bill great job making it out of Hell, I would have stopped for spirits in Hell and would not have risen from the flames in time for the appointment. Is that Colm Meaney in the second pic?

The Quicklift looks solid. Any idea on price? Im thinking they are going to sell a lot of them here.

Bill, did the hood end up any higher than stock? I have scraped the top of my head twice on the sharp hood hook. A couple of inches higher would make a lot of difference.

From the front edge of the hood to the top of the panel that has the serpentine belt pattern decal is 33". I dont know if it is higher but it sure isnt any lower.

I would imagine that the pricing would be similar to the Ranger. $70 & up. But IDK.

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Bump! Tired of the wood stick to hold my hood up!

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