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Which Sticky?


Explorer Addict
October 21, 2007
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City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
01 Sp 03 XLT 4x4s, Scion
Well, here's the story...

2000 Ex Sport won't go into reverse, but will go into D321 etc.. I'm going tomoro to plug in the code reader and see if anything is there. But in forward gears, the vehicle won't go over 35mph. I have no under-the-hood knowledge at all. From my experience, my 03 tranny exploded and was replaced under warranty... Later, the reverse solenoid went out, and again, was replaced under warranty. This is my cousin's Ex, and he was told he needed a new tranny... I'm not so sure, not convinced.

Sorry if this is confusing, but can anyone help me out here? Is this vehicle in need of a new tranny or just the solenoid pack? Thanks in advance! :thumbsup:

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A 2000 Sport will have a 5R55E. It has individual solenoids unlike the later transmissions. Take a look at the 5R55E Valve Body diary to get an idea about the solenoids. http://www.explorerforum.com/forums//showthread.php?t=140987

Are you getting a flashing OD light? If so, then there should be codes that you can retrieve with a scan tool.

Here is the troubleshooting section from the 99 Service Manual for No Reverse in the 5R55E:


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No cel...

Thank you! No cel, but a mechanic that wants to charge $3500 for a new tranny... :mad: I'm ready to run is @ss out of the country! Except that I want to help my cousin, but I want to nail this bast@rd mechanic too... Thank you for the info... I will see Sunday what the deal is. :thumbsup:
