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Sirius receiver install photos


Well-Known Member
July 12, 2009
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City, State
Kingsport, Tennessee
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Explorer Limted V8
Just got through installing my Sirius reciever in my 96 XLT.

I'll try to do a proper write up and post them one by one when I get time but here's some pics. receiver install 96 Explorer/

I pulled the radio out to get to the wiring. For two reasons. I wanted to tap into the wire that turns the radio on and off with the ignition switch which also frees up a power point. So I mounted a power point plug and power reducer under the console. I found this to be the yellow wire with a black stripe going at the radio.

Second this reciever has the weakest FM transmitter I've ever seen on a device. They include a wire that is supposed to be mounted near the radio's antenna but I can tell you it's a piece of junk and doesn't work.

The guy at Radio Shack told me they had to reduce the power due to FCC complaints about Howard Stern coming across adjacent cars.

So I mounted their inline device that goes between the radio and it's antenna. Crystal clear reception now. It was $20 at Radio Shack.

I grinded some of the velvet off the center console pocket and secured the docking device with two sided tape. Not my first choice. I was going to use clear RTV but couldn't find anything small enough to clamp it down while it cured. I tried Velcro but it was too flimsy. So I used 3M double sided tape.

I mounted the satellite antenna in the corner of the dashboard. I tested this prior and have never lost a signal even when going through some deapest "hollars" around here. The instructions make a big deal about where to mount the antenna about making sure it's not near a roof rack but so far it works fine where it's at and I have 3 bars most of the time.

So all the wiring is mounted below the center console so I don't have a rat's nest of wiring hanging about. I can also remove the reciever and use it in another car. But the docking station is there to stay but could be removed if I ever sell or total the vehicle.

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Hi new member here from chilly and windy South Dakota. Thanks for taking the time to document your nice satellite radio install. In your post you mention "this reciever has the weakest FM transmitter I've ever seen on a device. They include a wire that is supposed to be mounted near the radio's antenna but I can tell you it's a piece of junk and doesn't work." Are you talking about the Explorers' radio or the Sirius radio? I am interested because I have a 2001 Explorer, and I get tired of constantly having to change channels while listening to NPR. I was thinking of going with satellite radio, but if I can go to Radio Shack and buy a device for $20 and fix this problem that's what I'll do. Thanks for your time!

Hi new member here from chilly and windy South Dakota. Thanks for taking the time to document your nice satellite radio install. In your post you mention "this reciever has the weakest FM transmitter I've ever seen on a device. They include a wire that is supposed to be mounted near the radio's antenna but I can tell you it's a piece of junk and doesn't work." Are you talking about the Explorers' radio or the Sirius radio? I am interested because I have a 2001 Explorer, and I get tired of constantly having to change channels while listening to NPR. I was thinking of going with satellite radio, but if I can go to Radio Shack and buy a device for $20 and fix this problem that's what I'll do. Thanks for your time!

Sorry for the late reply. I missed your reply in my inbox.

I'm talking about the FM transmitter that is built into the Sirius reciever. Not the Explorer's radio.

Unlike some MP3 players like the VR3 that will produce a signal 30 feet in diameter, the Sirius unit pretty much requires some external signal in order for the reception to be good. Wheather it be the antenna splicer or an auxillary jack if the radio has one. If not this is what you need:


Included with the radio is a wire that plugs into the back of the unit and is supposed to be attached to the inside of the windshield near the FM antenna.
It looks like this:


The device that fits between the car's antenna and the Sirius reciever is the way to go. It's only $20 but requires removal of the radio to plug it in.

Extract radio from 2003 Ford Ranger

I recently purchased this Sirius FM Direct Adapter. I am attempting to install it into my 2003 Ford Ranger. I have purchased the radio removal tool, two U shaped wire that incert into the front of the radio. I do not want to force or accidentally break anything but I do not seem to be able to extract the radio from the panel. I would appreciate any additional procedures or instructions on how to extract and install this adapter.

I recently purchased this Sirius FM Direct Adapter. I am attempting to install it into my 2003 Ford Ranger. I have purchased the radio removal tool, two U shaped wire that incert into the front of the radio. I do not want to force or accidentally break anything but I do not seem to be able to extract the radio from the panel. I would appreciate any additional procedures or instructions on how to extract and install this adapter.

If I recall when the tools are inserted, the radio just pops out on it's own so to speak. Or at least it did on mine. I believe the radio is spring loaded and when the tools are inserted relieves pressure on the springs.

A guy I work said he has removed Ford radios with four 10 penny nails. Sounds kind of tricky.

Nice clean install, but for god's sake: Change the channel! 90s on 8 = boo Channel 99 = Playboy Radio :)

haha, kidding. Looking good though, great job.

Hi -
New member here....I'll be doing nearly the exact same install on my wife's 97 ex this weekend. I know all about needing the in-line FM modulator - they work great, I've got one coming in the mail in a few days. But I was wondering if the antenna plug on the Explorer is a standard size? Will I need an adapter to get the modulator's plug to fit into the back of the Explorer's radio?

Also - the Explorer's current antenna connects to the radio with a right angle plug. Is there enough room behind the radio for a straight-in plug?


plug n play

yes to your questions but no adapter needed the fm modulator plugs right in:D

Awesome! Thanks for the fast reply!
