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How to: Speedometer Gear Color Code Specification Chart With Formulas, And Ford Part Numbers.

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I pulled the speedo gear out of my auto and its a GREEN 16 tooth...not 17.



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My gear has 18 teeth. But my speed is 5 miles off. It shows 55 when I'm going 50.

235/75/R15 3.73LS 4WD
Is this right or is the gear off? Do I have to change both gears? i upgraded to 33's.... and using the formulas here i obtained the fact the i have a 19 tooth spedo gear (pulled it and looked) and with the tire change to 33's and using a set indicated speed as 55 by my calculations my actual speed is 62.80mph... then using the other formula using the 19 tooth x 55 (spedo reading) / 62.80 actual speed i come up with 16.64... i was just wondering if this sounded right and if i should go with the 16 tooth or 17 tooth spedo gear?

So, originally my truck had 225/75/R15. They were changed years ago to 235/75R15. I was off a little on my speedo (was going faster than it indicated). So I changed my speedo gear (white 17 tooth manual trans) to the 16 tooth wine colored one.
Now I put 31's on my truck, and want to fix my speedo, but it doesnt show a smaller speedo gear than the 16 tooth one. Did I mess up and go the wrong way? BTW, I have 3.73 gears.

My gear has 18 teeth. But my speed is 5 miles off. It shows 55 when I'm going 50.

235/75/R15 3.73LS 4WD
Is this right or is the gear off? Do I have to change both gears?

I have the same issue, I came up with a new gear tooth count of 16.59 for my 285/75r16's. :( What did you end up doing?

Alright, it seems like if I go for the 16, my speedo will read faster than I'm actually traveling (I donno by how much); and if I go for the 17, it will read slower than I'm actually traveling... So my solution is going to be buy both of em, and compare them directly using GPS tracking.

As a side note, can anyone verify the statement that all 4WD X's use the manual tranny gears? B/c I'm rocking the A4LD and I really don't want to break anything.

As a side note, can anyone verify the statement that all 4WD X's use the manual tranny gears? B/c I'm rocking the A4LD and I really don't want to break anything.


Also, I picked up a 16 and a 17 tooth gear, then I put the 16er in first to try out.... and discovered that it is perfect! I guess the lesson is to always round down on these things. :rolleyes:

How much are these things anyway?

I need a 23 tooth gear. Will the dealership have these things in stock? Or should I order online somewhere?

And mine was a total PITA to get out.

I got mine out nice and easy... I wonder why yours gave you grief. :shrug:

As for cost, they were each about five bucks, so... I'd say cheap. But I would also suggest that you call the dealership first, there was only one in the greater denver metro area that had the two I needed in stock.

@BrooklynBay, What happened to the pictures in the first post?

Having some issues with my speedo as well,

Going to pull my gear tonight and check it, mileage stopped going up, and of course I'm moving at 0MPH, but still using gas..... Bummer :(

so i swapped from 26.4" tires with 3.08 gears to 28.03" tires with 3.73 gears.
my current gear is a green 17 tooth.

trying out 6/7/8 for drive gear in this i got a 7 tooth gear also. 6 and 8 came to 14 and 19, so thats not right. so i must have 7.
Driven Gear Teeth = (Drive Gear Teeth x Axle Ratio x Tire Rev. Per Mile) / 1000
16.98928 = (7 x 3.08 x 788) / 1000

now going here,

i plugged in the numbers for my tires, gears, tranny. and got my speedo readings.
speedo reading 77, actual speed 67. (3rd gear at 3000rpm)

so now: 19.5373134328 = (17 x 77) / 67.

rounding down gives me a tan 19 tooth for the new gear. correct?

Sounds right to me, and rounding down is a better plan than rounding up (in my humble opinion).

ford didnt have any. neither did any other ford according to them. looks like ebay it is. damnit

Remember, its the same gear as a manual transmission driven gear. Ford has been using those since the 70's. Look at places that sell to mustang people.. You'll have a better chance of finding it.

I'm talking like latemodelrestoration and american muscle etc.

If they ask, its the short snout driven gear for use in the xfer case.


Yea I googled it. Found american muscle had it. $7.99 shipped. They have just about all of them on there..
I need the long nose one, 2wd with no transfer case for me lol.

Doeth, You need the one for the auto trans.. I need to remember there are people with 2 wheel drive explorers.. :)


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