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Foxracin's 1991 Exploder

Real Name: Trevor
Year : 1991
Model: Explorer
State: North Carolina
City: Mount Holly

Just picked up this Exploder last week. Its not in the best of shape but overall its decent. The motor runs great and the body has very few dents and dings.

When I got it the trans was out like every other a4ld. I am a 5 speed guy myself and was planning to convert to 5 speed anyway.

First thing and did is check the fluid in the trans. Nice and red, full, and doesnt smell burnt. Pulled one of the lines at the radiator and fired it up and no fliud. Nothing at all. Pulled the pressure plug in the side of the trans and fired it up to make sure the lines were not stopped up somewhere and still nothing so I knew something wasnt right with the pump.

Got it home and put it on some jack stands and started tearing out the trans.


Got the trans out and pulled the torque converter out and found some scaring on the snout. Thats not supposed to be like that. lol

Pulled the bellhousing off then the pump from the bellhousing and theres the problem. One of the pump gears cracked and spread the teeth apart and locked up and spun on the torque converter.


Oh well time to throw it in the scrap pile. Dont want to spend the money on it again not even know if the rest of the trans is good and for it to just break again. I figured I could swap in a 5 speed for not much more then fixing the a4ld.

Figured I would mess with the inside a little while I try to find a trans.

Put in a Sony headunit. Ran new speaker wires and used the internal amp after 2 stock amps were not right. Soldered all the connections and ran new speaker wire and its good as new.

Put it in a Midland CB I had laying around.

Overall shot of the interior.

Then I figured I would ride over the the Pull-A-Part to see if I could run across anything. Sure enough ran across a 1992 5 speed Exploder. But somebody already robbed the trans and starter. Figured I would go ahead and get what I could off it. Got the computer, Manual trans wiring harness, pedals, and Master cylinder(when they got the trans they cut the line so it wasnt useable). Still had the flywheel, clutch/pressure plate still on it too but I didnt have the money for it right then.

So I came home and started swapping out some stuff.

Manual trans wiring harness.

Swapped computers and moved it to behind the glove compartment to get it a little higher.

Swapped the pedals. I left the pedal assembly in and just changed out the brake pedal and put the clutch pedal on. It was aggravating but definitely beats pulling the dash out to change the entire assembly.

Went back the next day to Pull-A-Part to get the clutch and flywheel and all that good stuff crawled under it and somebody done took the clutch and pressure plate. So I missed out on that. Went ahead and pulled the flywheel off though. It looked fairly new.

Pile of junk parts I have pulled off so far. lol It keeps getting bigger.

Thats where I am at so far. Need to scrounge up some money to get me a trans and a few other pieces and I should be set.

For now I will probably just do a body lift and coil spacers and shackles for now with some 33's or 34's after I get it on the road.

Then save up for the d44 SAS down the road.

Ill keep this thread updated as I get some more work done.

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nice job! the hurculiner looks great! how long would you estimate it takes?

It took about 3-4 hours to take everything out clean, prep, lay down first coat. Then I waited about an hour and put on the other coats. Then you just have to wait and let it all dry. Its takes a while to dry. Mine dried to the touch in about 4 hours. I just got done putting all the seats back in so it should be nice and cured by the morning. I did it all today so it can be done in a day.

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Just got done putting all the interior pieces back in. The pictures dont do it justice. It was getting dark and the pics are with my phone and the flash makes it look a lot more glossier then it really is. Ill try to get some better pics in the day light tomorrow. I think it turned out pretty good. Time will tell.





are you still thinking about doing a snorkel??

Hadn't read this thread in a few months. You've done an awesome job with your ex.

hey man i Love what youve done with ur exploder. im headin the same way. mines a 91 sport 4x4 5spd. i was wandering if u ever put the spacers back in. if not (and u still have them) ide like to buy them.

heres my registry page im going to be workin on it alot here in the future.

Just got done putting all the interior pieces back in. The pictures dont do it justice. It was getting dark and the pics are with my phone and the flash makes it look a lot more glossier then it really is. Ill try to get some better pics in the day light tomorrow. I think it turned out pretty good. Time will tell.





Wow that truck is dirty. Guess it doesn't make sense to wash it since that's what its for. With the new bed liner in, though, you wouldn't have to worry about rolling down the windows before heading through the next "jiffy" wash...would actually be a bonus for cleaning the interior. :D

hey man i Love what youve done with ur exploder. im headin the same way. mines a 91 sport 4x4 5spd. i was wandering if u ever put the spacers back in. if not (and u still have them) ide like to buy them.

heres my registry page im going to be workin on it alot here in the future.

No, Im not running them anymore but my buddy picked them up off me for his Explorer. You can find a set at pretty much any junkyard though.

ive called a bunch in my area, and in the county and no, they all say they dont. one did but said i hade to buy the coils with it for $150. so im still in search but thanks for responding. im going to get those hellas but at my walmart they r 63 a pair... u got lucky.

yea foxracing i went to go buy those hellas too at a walmart and they were 60 something! you got super lucky.. haha

ive called a bunch in my area, and in the county and no, they all say they dont. one did but said i hade to buy the coils with it for $150. so im still in search but thanks for responding. im going to get those hellas but at my walmart they r 63 a pair... u got lucky.

Sent you a PM.

yea foxracing i went to go buy those hellas too at a walmart and they were 60 something! you got super lucky.. haha

Yea, thats how much they were at some of the other Walmarts I went to in the area. Thats the regular price. Guess I just got lucky at that one. lol

yeah im going to get them soon hopefully. i like how slim they r. i want 2 behind the grill. maybe 3 and 4 or 5 up top. im not sure if im going to run a rack yet. i dont really need one my back is all open i like your box too, thats an awesome idea but i want to seal and bed liner mine if i do it.

Got the snorkel on friday night and went and played in the creek saturday to test it out. Didnt find any real deep water though. My buddy with a Pathfinder on 33's went with me.



Here is a couple vids from the creek.

The further down the creek we went to softer it got. My buddy got stuck up so I turned around to pull him out and burried myself to the axles in the process. Got my self winched out and then winched him out and went and played some more. Ended up breaking a tie rod end on the pathfinder.

Pathfinder stuck.


Me stuck trying to get him out. Notice how high the sand is at the tire.


Also picked up a set of Trail Gear rock sliders today. Got them brand new for $125. They look awesome and real nice quality. Ill try to get them on next weekend.


so i gotta know, how do you like those BFGs?

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nice snorkel any pictures of how you routed it to the airbox? you need you straighten out your hellas haha
