my new explorer and new wheels | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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my new explorer and new wheels

the day i got it

and after my first mod

more mods to come but this is it for now

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unless you're dropping the ex down... then put some bigger meats on those kick-a rims.

I'm gonna drop it and put a little more meat on em

nice x u got there

awe man, u had good tires to start with (BFG AT)

trucks dont look good with rubber bands or barnfan hoop wheels

Nice buy, looks real clean.

I do like the older tires though, that's just my preference. The rims on there look pretty cool though.

Yeah, the before pic was great...

awe man, u had good tires to start with (BFG AT)

trucks dont look good with rubber bands or barnfan hoop wheels

If the tires were good I would have kept them lol
The previous owner put 30s on without an alignment
The rubber will stay like this for a little bit until I can afford bigger ones
