Best screw for fibreglass? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Best screw for fibreglass?

Gday all, I'm attaching a hood scoop and although I'd rather bolt it, the tabs for attaching it dont allow the room to get a bolt in there. Can someone tell me what the best thread for a fibreglass screw is? Thanks for your time.

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The coarser the threads the better. Make sure you pre-drill

Thanks guys, heres a quick mock up. Its low profile so screws should be good (touch wood) and I never go over 95mph.


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ohhh, make sense now.

Looks great!
Is it going to be flush mount?

Make sure to follow up with some more pics! :D

Cheers, wall dog fastener, cool and I will post some pics up. I got some 'stang stripes to replace the thin ones on there currently and some matching paint to bring the stripes over the scoop and thought I'd run 1mm foam rubber between the hood and scoop. Thanks again for the help guys:D:thumbsup:

If you're going to run some tape, why not fasten with 3M VHB tape? The stuff is insane strong, produced to replace fasteners... :)

HERE is a link to the VHB. It's a little different than the foam trim tapes, it's insane. We use it at work for installs and some of the stuff we hold up and in place with it is crazy!

I know you can buy it at, and also on Amazon, but ours comes from a local adhesive tape supplier.

Here are some interesting case studies/sampling of the VHB:

One of the oldest and most visible applications for the VHB™Foam Tapes is on
ambulance bodies. The aluminum panels comprising the body of an ambulance can
be bonded onto the frame with VHB™Tape. These applications require durability in
harsh conditions on rugged vehicles that are in service for many years.
Another example of durable applications with excellent performance have been
curtain wall constructions such as the Singapore Treasury Building. Here the exterior
panels are stiffened against wind loads by attaching unseen stiffeners to the inner
surface. These bonds must sustain wind loads, daily thermal expansion and
contraction cycles, and elevated temperatures. Similar curtain wall and facade
applications exist around the world. Architectural signs and traffic signs using
VHB™Tapes have also been standing up to constant weathering, buffering winds,
and occasional storms since the early 1980’s.
I especially like these:

Another example of VHB™Tape durability has been generated at the Bendix Automotive
Proving Grounds in Indiana. A full size semi-truck with sleeper cab was constructed with
all exterior panels and doors taped to an underlying frame with VHB™Tape 4950. After
approximately 300,000 simulated miles on the harsh Durability Track, the VHB™Tape
bonds remained completely intact. This is particularly impressive in light of the fact that
some mechanically joined and welded parts experienced failures and required repairs for
the test to continue.

One of the most demanding applications for VHB™Tape has been on aircraft exteriors.
Several commercial aircraft models have incorporated stainless steel anti-chafing strips
bonded to the aluminum wing flaps. These panels help prevent abrasion and chafing
between the flap and underside of the wing during movement of the flaps for take offs,
landings, and in-flight vibration. VHB™Adhesive Transfer Tape 9473 continues to be a
means for bonding these panels into place. This application has been in use since 1984.
Durability is particularly key in this application since the bond can be subjected to high
skin temperatures in direct sunlight on the ground and -65°F (-54°C) at high altitudes.
In addition, this cycle can be repeated several times per day.

Holee S***

It's also resistant to solvents. So, technically it would be immune to whatever wind you produce at 95mph on your way to the beach, and whatever beer you spill on it when you get there... :thumbsup:


found some on ebay might have to try this route me reckons. Cheers Joe.

And most of the wind I produce gets sucked out after everyone rolls down the windows, gagging.

Might pick up one of these as well...


That is so true. Butt you can taste some of the worst/best ones.
