Solved - Strut Cross bar info parts and install | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Solved Strut Cross bar info parts and install

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Well-Known Member
February 10, 2020
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Ford Explorer XLT
On the base and some? XLT models the strut tower bar or cross bar may be missing or not installed. Here are the parts and info needed to add the OEM one.



1 x cross bar L1MZ-16A200-A
4 x cross bar bolts W709633-S439 (from my understanding it is 4 bolts) I will check my engine bay shortly.

Part numbers above are links to autonation whitebearlake who has pretty good pricing.

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On the base and some? XLT models the strut tower bar or cross bar may be missing or not installed. Here are the parts and info needed to add the OEM one.



1 x cross bar L1MZ-16A200-A
4 x cross bar bolts W709633-S439 (from my understanding it is 4 bolts) I will check my engine bay shortly.

Part numbers above are links to autonation whitebearlake who has pretty good pricing.
Was this supposed to be included on the XLT’s? When I ordered mine I found it odd it’s only on Limited and above. Is cost cutting the only reason it’s not on XLT’s?

^^ Welcome to the Forum. :wave:


Was this supposed to be included on the XLT’s? When I ordered mine I found it odd it’s only on Limited and above. Is cost cutting the only reason it’s not on XLT’s?

I own an XLT with no cross bar, I cannot confirm or deny if it is supposed to be included on what trim :/ sorry. So many parts were backordered so they built and shipped Ex's without them that we don't know what was supposed to be on what trim and many are missing X part on all trims randomly.

My xlt doesn't have it. It was made in January/2020

Digging this thread up...any noticeable handling improvement? I ordered a bar and the bolts but I’m told the bar is back ordered with no eta.

Did anyone ever add this?

No cross bar on my XLT. It's the one mod that I've thought of installing.
Should tighten up handling on an already fairly tight body.

It sounds like the crossbar is a feature that is included on the XLT and likely the Base.


Hmm. Maybe I should add it to the list I gave to my dealer (strut tower insulator, rear under cover)

I have bought the bar, waiting for the bolts
Would like to know how the install goes and if you can tell a difference in how it drives. I put one on a Miata years ago and it stiffened it enough to tell but on an SUV not sure if it is worth it.

I as going to add the brace but I compared a photo of an ST with the brace versus my XLT under the hood and it appeared that my Air Conditioner piping was bent and "capped" off in a location that would interfere with the installation of the brace on the passenger side.

I was wondering the same thing as Gen6. My (non-crossbar equipped) XLT has the same AC pipes on the passenger side. How does the bar fit around those?

Following to see what is said about ac piping possibly interfering

I have the cross brace and bolts on order. I can report once I receive and install.

I as going to add the brace but I compared a photo of an ST with the brace versus my XLT under the hood and it appeared that my Air Conditioner piping was bent and "capped" off in a location that would interfere with the installation of the brace on the passenger side.
A picture would be nice. I don't believe anyone has ever posted a picture of the XLT engine bay.


A picture would be nice. I don't believe anyone has ever posted a picture of the XLT engine bay.

I added the hood insulator, it was not installed when I purchased the vehicle.
The bar will clear the ac ports




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