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More damage


Well-Known Member
August 28, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Los Angeles, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Explorer
This car has not been good luck for me.

For some reason someone decided to try and shoot up my window.

Seriously sucks, gonna cost $500 to get it fixed


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Sorry to see that.

Bummer, sorry to hear about this. At least the window didn't explode in pieces.

Isn't that covered under comprehensive? I know in MI it would be a $50 deductible... Maybe Kalifornia is different... :)

In CA, while comprehensive deductibles are set separately from collision deductibles, many have high comprehensive deductibles.

For example mine for both comprehensive and collision are set at $1000 each.

yep, I have a $500 deductible..... gonna take all of it to get it fixed

You need to move out of Watts, especially with that color car!

took it in to get replaced this morning. getting MFT update and trying again to get them to fix the trans issue

Got it back last night from the dealer. Great service and great dealer.

They gave me a rental car, updated MFT and fixed the window and then it ended up being cheaper than the original estimate.

Original estimate was 463 and ended up being $420

I have had a great experience with this dealer, from sales to service. Small older dealer called Bob Wondries in Alhambra, but at every level they have been great.

Sad part is I have another dealer 1/2 mile from my house, they aren't bad, but just not near as good as Wondries which is probably about 10-11 miles away

Glad to hear about reasonable cost (especially if the rental car was free) and good service at dealership.

...For some reason someone decided to try and shoot up my window...
I’m with everyone here that this is a real shame, Fredridge. :wtf:

Got it back last night from the dealer. Great service and great dealer.

They gave me a rental car, updated MFT and fixed the window and then it ended up being cheaper than the original estimate...Small older dealer called Bob Wondries in Alhambra, but at every level they have been great...
I love hearing that your dealer took care of you. :):thumbsup:


I have had a great experience with this dealer, from sales to service. Small older dealer called Bob Wondries in Alhambra, but at every level they have been great.

Sad part is I have another dealer 1/2 mile from my house, they aren't bad, but just not near as good as Wondries which is probably about 10-11 miles away

Fredridge, Thanks for that info. Maybe I'll give them a try as my local dealership(closest to my home) is something to be desired. I went to Southbay Ford for an oil change(close to work), they seemed ok, enjoyed the free breakfast they gave but have not used Southbay for anything more than an oil change so I am not sure how good they are or aren't. I was thinking about trying them for the second round A-pillar TSB fix and roof rain noise. What is the dealership 1/2 mile from your house that "aren't bad"???

CNSHeets, I would prefer not to name them as there is nothing wrong with them. They provided a rental car when I took mine in for service and had no issues with them.

However, I have just felt better about almost every interaction I have had with Bob Wondries. They seem to be much more personable at all levels. Sales and Service.

I had a few minor issues when buying mine. Missing floor mat and tire inflation thing from the tow package they took care of that quickly and easily (as it should be).

I have had several personal contacts and conversations wit the sale manager and the service was excellent and below estimate.

Sales Manager was Charles Ma (iirc)

and service adviser was named Mandy - (be prepared to be called hun or some endearing term like that)

CNSHeets, I would prefer not to name them as there is nothing wrong with them.

Fredridge, I wasn't looking to call them out as a bad dealership. Given that my local dealership, (10 minutes from home) is awful, then a dealership that is "aren't bad" could possibly be a big step up from mine and possibly worth looking into for my use if they are not too far. Just trying to gather info so I can decide which dealership to try next. Thanks for the info on Wondries
