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I might do that; just have to see how it looks when its on there. The color I went with is called Zinc Metallic. It's costing me $300 installed.


Its like that, but a bit more metallic like car paint.

I'm glad you're having it painted and not going with a decal....

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Its going to be a vinyl wrap. Its set to last for 5 years.

Oh ok. You're in Utah so vinyl will probably last longer than it does down here...

Looking forward to seeing it!


Opinions anyone?

My opinion... is that looks great! I usually hate stuff like that, but it just looks so good on your truck.

My opinion... is that looks great! I usually hate stuff like that, but it just looks so good on your truck.
Thanks! :thumbsup:

Oh ok. You're in Utah so vinyl will probably last longer than it does down here...

Looking forward to seeing it!

If I actually was planning on keeping this truck for a long time, I would have it painted, but since I only plan on keeping it 5-6 years max, a vinyl will be just fine. :D

i think it makes your truck look sweet nharris


Me and my friend decided to have an impromptu trip to Ocala National Forest in the middle of the night. Mine is the '02 in front 4x4, his is a '05 just 2wd. He got stuck in the sand at one point and and my truck, even while in the same sand, pulled his truck out. I'm pretty proud of it.

I also took a nice little jump in the explorer at like 20mph...
The whole front bumper was filled up with sand/clay or whatever til I rinsed it out today.
I am tinting my lights today and hopefully will have time to clean the truck and post some pictures of how the Herculiner looks. And it held up awesome in the sand/rocks/dirt/trees there so that's a good sign so far :)

Here is the aftermath of the jump in Ocala


Got the lights out and ready to be blacked out!!


Here they are, drying away :


Made sure to leave the reverse lights clear so I could still actually use them:


Lights back installed, looking sexy as hell:


Makes my HIDs look super blue:


Don't mean to "spam with photos" but here's the more official version I am going to use.

If anyone wants the file for this after I get it done, I'll be glad to send it your way via email.


Hey man I would love the file we own a sign shop in Florida and I have been trying to figure out what to do on my 04 and this looks pretty sweet.

Hey man I would love the file we own a sign shop in Florida and I have been trying to figure out what to do on my 04 and this looks pretty sweet.

Its kind of a small file right now, but you just will have to use illustrator or photoshop and do a live trace to rasterize it. Lastly, the dimensions I have are 90" wide and 28" High

These pics are that structure in the first one something from the old gold mining days?

yes its a structure from the gold days this particular structure consists of the headframe in the far back the ore bin is to the front of that and my explorer is parked on the old train tracks on in

Hey guys, been a while. The explorer was deemed totalled by the insurance company, so my new car is a white 05 VW Touareg. Thoughts?

Hey guys, been a while. The explorer was deemed totalled by the insurance company, so my new car is a white 05 VW Touareg. Thoughts?

bummer man! What happened?

I thought they were gonna let u rebuild it and not give u the "totaled". Thats crap. Well id say stay on build that truck intp an all out offroader like ppl do to the 1st gens

I thought they were gonna let u rebuild it and not give u the "totaled". Thats crap. Well id say stay on build that truck intp an all out offroader like ppl do to the 1st gens

It could still be rebuilt. One of my Mustangs has a rebuilt title. It was totaled at one point and was given a salvage title, but then it was rebuilt and inspected by the state to meet or exceed factory specs. and now it has a rebuilt title. It's a lot of hassle though.

I understand the idea but some ppl don't like the rebuilt title thing and i think even some state wont allow it either

I understand the idea but some ppl don't like the rebuilt title thing and i think even some state wont allow it either

I haven't heard of a state refusing a rebuilt title.

well now that i looked back into it its only in extreme cases, and its basically only that they wont change the title from a salvage to a rebuilt title

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well now that i looked back into it its only in extreme cases, and its basically only that they wont change the title from a salvage to a rebuilt title

That's more understandable. Thanks for the clarification! :thumbsup:
