explorer sport pics | Page 23 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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explorer sport pics

YES!!!!!! I'm lovin all the sport pics.

P.S..... Nebraska can go suck a big one lol (hopefully we can compete with you guys this weekend... It's gonna be a long year)

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i hate to be the bearer of my own bad news:



old girl will be back good as new soon, thinking some new designing ideas

Cant get enough pics of Sports!

craftsman, did you make the heatshield for your intake?? Dig the stripes too.

This is as far as I got with the heat shield...still just cardboard and duct tape toped off with a sprayer hose. It seems to be holding up nicely! I did add a ram air tube, using a floor duct and a dryer hose mounted under the bumper...not as ugly as it sounds. lol. I just don't have a pic yet.

Figured I would add a couple recent pics, last year it was a 2wd automatic, now it has transformed into a lifted 4wd 5 speed.


Looks a lot like Arkansas Bend Park on Travis..

I did it the otherway around , after two years I removed all the 4wd stuff and made it two wheel drive, I spend a lot more time driving on twisty roads than i do crawling around in the mud :D


That sucks Govna. Any hints about your redesign?
thinking doing custom bumpers, why not? fought to keep it, why not go nuts

That's the spirit. I was hoping that's what you were doing. Why not, right? I was planning on steel bumpers and sliders this winter but we just started the process of building a house so that's out. Please let me live through your projects.

That's the spirit. I was hoping that's what you were doing. Why not, right? I was planning on steel bumpers and sliders this winter but we just started the process of building a house so that's out. Please let me live through your projects.

15 hour ride, come on up! haha

Well since this exact thread inspired the past two weeks of my life i guess i should post pics of the end result here :D


stock except for the 31" tires and 15" wheels. more pics in my registry below.


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Heres an update of my baby.. painted the lower half rhino-liner, painted my quarter and got a new fender.



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Any good stories to go along with that carnage?

Besides taking it places it should never have been taken, no not really.

Lost the mirror, and got the door scars while heading up a black diamond trail that turned left between two trees halfway up.

The damage was on the third attempt, with a more generous application of the throttle.

The headlight, well that was a matter of not having a parking brake and expecting my clapped out 4.0L to hold the truck on a hill, and being too near a tree :D.
