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Lifted Sport Tracs Picture Thread!

Hahaha. Don't worry that'll change. I'd rather have a rake to the front than a squat. I wanted to build in room for doing an AAL but may end up just bringing the front back down to match.

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It's been raining hard for about a week and we got a break today so I drove around our property where we're getting ready to build to see if there were any water issues to be concerned about. I didn't drive through the all dirt (now mud) area where we've been preparing the land but I did drive through the pines on the back side of it to get a look at what will be the back yard. No standing water there. That's the good news.

The paths through the pines were nice and solid and I never even considered that I'd have an issue.


Then this happened.


Didn't see it coming as I wasn't even slipping in 2wd. With no warning, I had to go from 2wd to 4Lo. Didn't help. Just kept diggin down. I was cursing these Treadwrights. Went and got my father in laws Z71 and attached the winch. No problem, right? Well, his battery doesn't have enough juice to power me out with the Warn. Next logical step is to fire up the tractor. Start pulling it in to get the straps on the front bucket. Luckily had it in 2wd going in because it didn't take 10 ft. in to start sinking the tractor. Locked it in 4wd and backed out. If we had gone in in 4wd, the tractor would have gotten further and also be stuck.

The good news is that the Treadwrights aren't the problem. That's some nasty soup. I was stirring it with a 2x8 when trying to get some wood under the tires for traction.

Going to be sitting there for a couple days until it dries out. :banghead:

Wife gets home from a 14 hour shift in an hour. Happy freakin' Valentines Day.

Wow they all look good, I really want to get the conversion kit for the front end to make my 94 explorer look like a sport trac now. Keep it up guys!

Damn Hugh, I thought you could wheel. LOL You know I gotta mess with you.

I think it might be time to get one of these and do the hidden winch setup or get started on that steel front winch bumper...


Trying to save every penny right now. Unfortunately, I think I'm done with Trac updates until the house is built. But who knows....I have trouble with that addiction.

I am in full research mode on these one tons though. :d

Looks like you need a winch more than tons under your rig. A whole lot cheaper too. Gotta love that soupy Georgia mess. Make sure you pressure wash your suspension andn steering off really good and regrease all the greasable parts to get that shi... off before it dries out the bearings and seals.

Jerry I still love that steel bumper. Might need to get in on that someday. Especially for the winch. Never know when you'll need one out in the mountains.

Dude thats some nasty lookin mud. GL getting her out.

I don't think many tires would get through that muck. It's crazy it went from packed ground to a little sinkhole like that.

Yeah, when the tractor starts to get stuck, it's nasty. At least it's not under water

How do you guys feel about 33in mickey Thompson Bahamas Mtz ?

Yeah, when the tractor starts to get stuck, it's nasty. At least it's not under water

Or at a crazy angle with a tree right in front of you lol.

How do you guys feel about 33in mickey Thompson Bahamas Mtz ?

I haven't personally known anyone with Mickey Thompsons since high school but they were all the rage then (and may still be). I really couldn't say. There may be a few reviews in the Wheel and Tire subforum.

Or at a crazy angle with a tree right in front of you lol.

I'll never live that one down, lol.:banghead:

at least its stuck on your property. that you can be thankful for. last time i got jammed, i was 200 miles from home in the tahoe desolation wilderness while snow storm was brewing!

Yeah, definitely glad it was only a few hundred yards from my bed.

Here's the going in part. You can see how it went from solid ground to soup in no time. Surprised I got as far as I did. When I stopped, I stopped solid.



Got it out tonight. We hooked the winch up again and killed the battery in the Z71. Hooked the tractor to the front of the Cheby and dug in with the tractor. Finally got it moving and eventually got to solid ground.

Got some bad shake on the road now. Got some major cleaning to do tomorrow.

The bad news: I'm kinda worried about the suitability of the area to put a septic tank. Gonna have to get that checked out soon. The land was planted with soybeans by the previous owner and was pretty boggy. I didn't know that before I went driving through the trees. Oops.



It's a little high IMO, what do you guys think? Maybe 2" higher than Chad's. Right now the front well is 2" higher than the rear. I was thinking about putting an AAL in later to strengthen up the leaf pack a little bit.

Dang it, i'm behind the times of this site. Was this done in VA or SC? My trucks next :D

Hugh, you probably have mud inside the tires. When you se the winch next time have someone revving the engine up to around 2,000-2.500 rpm (maybe higher if needed) to keep the charging system voltage up.

I know when I used my winch to drag the work truck (Freightliner Tractor Semi) out of the ruts I dug into 9 inches of solid ice/ snow and down into the dirt. I drug it out sideways and with the airbrakes locked. I plan on mounting a secondary battery for the winch and other offroad accessories.

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We did have the engine revved. It's just the beater farm truck and the Optima Red Top is on it's last leg. Had to pull in spurts. Nearly died last night but we quit before it did. Found out there are chargers for AGM batteries and that's what has extended the life but it really needs replaced.

There's definitely mud inside the wheels. Not looking forward to cleaning.
