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Adding Fender Vents


Active Member
January 31, 2012
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2020 Explorer ST
Has anyone looked into vents for their explorer? Only one I've seen with some is a Tony Hawk edition custom job.

Not interested in some plastic stick-on deal nor a range rover clone but I think there must be something out there that would look kickass.

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It would have the same effect as the stock-on deal - lightening your wallet, except the stick-on won't be as much :)

I love the stickons! Going to get a roof scoop! :eek::D


I was ready to hate them but they actually look good...

Did not know how I would feel about them, but I am liking it! Nice work.

Hmmmm, Are these functional, and exactly what are they susposed to do? They look ok, I guess, nice personalization, but unless they really do something, well, I'll pass.

Thanks everyone.
Plumbago, it's definetly not for everyone as everyone has their own tastes. I did it for looks and so the rain could wash the inside of my fenders.

I like it, I'm just not sure I have the grapes to cut open my fender.

Actually looks really good. Looks almost factory installed.

It is a nice look for the explorer. Good job

so I decided to go with some fender vents . I like the look of Bstollmaier's Explorer but didn't want to copy the exact look so I decided on the Range Rover Sport vents . this is the rough idea before paint and finish work .


  • fender vents.jpg
    fender vents.jpg
    56.6 KB · Views: 1,583

very nice, good choice on vents versus those fake ugly vents on Buick, etc.

install easy/hard?

nice, I would love functional vents as well.

very nice, good choice on vents versus those fake ugly vents on Buick, etc.

install easy/hard?
he said it's not that difficult . the only tough spot is the lower corner near the doors . he will have to do a little work there to make it look OEM .

Hey BAD, Those Vents Look GOOD.

The vent's silver accent kinda picks up on those much disdained chrome door handles; did that influence the choice of vent and the placement? The vents look pretty much in line with the handles. Are you keeping your door handles chrome?

Is that accent piece on the vent made of plastic or real metal of some sort, like brushed aluminum or stainless?

Would you share the vents' brand/manufacturer and/or where you sourced them from?

Do also you have any photos of the install process? Like the first, scary hole-cutting ones like in Bstollmaier's post?

Thanks BAD for taking the risk first and letting us live vicariously through you! Since ours is the wife's daily driver, this mod will probably never fly with her.

Mike [isiwibi]

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