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92 Explorer Eddie bauer on 32's - Now 35's

Your expo looks great! Where on earth did you find those clear turn signals? Also your u-bolt mounting location, have you had a chance to use them yet? Any issues connecting with the body with your tow line? Very curious as mine is the same year as yours, still mostly stock XLT and I need to fit some tow points before the moab trip in a few months.

Love your rig =)

Thanx. .

Turn signals and D ring mounts was bought on Ebay. . I can try to find the listings when i'm at the computer :)

I have not used the tow hooks yet. . I need my lift before i can take this offroad :)



D rings:

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Orderd some black steel wheels 8x15 with backspace -20
Jack Wheeler Rocky AT 8x15 indel: 5x114.3 ET: -20


How come you went with different wheels? To had an 8 inch wide wheel finally?

How come you went with different wheels? To had an 8 inch wide wheel finally?
Yup.. 8" and less rubbimg.. (i hope) .. and i want to get my explorer ready for the first weekend in April... So i can finaly test this thing offroad:thumbsup:

I love the wide look of the 10" weels i have.. but it rubs to bad and i got no turn radius.. haha

Yup.. 8" and less rubbimg.. (i hope) .. and i want to get my explorer ready for the first weekend in April... So i can finaly test this thing offroad:thumbsup:

I love the wide look of the 10" weels i have.. but it rubs to bad and i got no turn radius.. haha

lol sounds good man.

Gears. ... ?,, 4.88 good for 33's. . and later 35's?
speed limit is 65mph and 50 to 60 is normal cruise speed. ..

Ex is looking great!! Hope you can get those parts soon!

Awesome...I'll be keeping my eye on the progress! :D

4.88's are great for 35s. Might be a little steep for 33s. Will dig great though.:D

Thanks. . I think i will go for 4.88. ..

Girlfriend used the explorer to work today and i was left with the Saab 9-3. ..


Is that the new wheels???? Looks Skinnier!

Gears. ... ?,, 4.88 good for 33's. . and later 35's?
speed limit is 65mph and 50 to 60 is normal cruise speed. ..

4.88 will be a little steep for 33s but if you do plan to eventually go to 35s, then I can see not wanting to have to do it twice.

In my experience with the rangers and explorers with v6 motors has been

33s with 4.10 gear and manual transmission was ok. About the lowest I would ever want and certainly not with auto tranny but I was lucky and one of mine had came with 4.10 manual from the factory.

33s with 4.56 is about perfect for 33s with auto transmission, even more fun with a manual.

33s with 4.88 would be overkill especially with a manual transmission, with an auto it might not be crazy bad but enough to live with if you truly are going to go up in tire size soon.

For an explorer with 35s, 4.56 wouldn't be to bad with a manual but with an auto I would definitely opt for 4.88 if only doing it once. If it had a v8 then that can change things and let you be ok with a little less on the gear but that usually isn't the norm for most explorers and rangers.

So the question for you is, are you really going to be going to 35s in the near future and doing it long term or more than likely going to spend most of your time with 33s?

Got my new wheels today :D

And my lift and fenders are now in Norway. ..
with some luck i can pick it up tomorrow :D:D



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Awesome. Cant Wait To See Fenders On!

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