"Blue Bandit" (1992 Eddie Bauer) | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"Blue Bandit" (1992 Eddie Bauer)

Guess who just picked up a new headliner from a 98 Eddie bauer? This guy!!

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Someone is on Demon patrol.

TxPlates said:
I don't see this in any type of vehicle registry in demon.....:p

Congrats! I take it it already has the cut out for the sunroof?

Yep, pulled this out of a sunroof equipped explorer tonight. Everything matched up perfectly, making it pretty much perfect. And as soon I get internet back, there will be a registry over there lol

Well, progress is slowly being made, but its moving. With a three day weekend, and some overtime at night, im getting the interior wrapped up. So it started with getting the driver adjustable seat belt knocked out which only took a couple of hours considering i knew what I was doing at this point, lol

And in the midst of all this rebuilding, I seem to have attracted the interest of some local wildlife. This neighborhood cat pretty much adopted me for god-knows-why and we named him Bandicus. He's good moral support, and likes to be held lol

So while cruising craigslist at work, guess who found a tan headliner with sunroof, or moreover, a 98 eddie bauer being parted out not 20 minutes from my house? THIS GUY! So after calling and heading up, I pulled the headliner (30 bucks, plus 10 for the second gen cargo mat thingy) and threw it in. It looks so pretty!

I do say, the sunroof matched up perfectly with the headliner!

So this weekend, since we hits almost 70's in january, it was time to get the carpet ready for installation, since that's where I'm at. So took it to the carwash, power washed the crap out of it (literally!) and got it all nice and pretty.

So the carpet installed, it was time to get the seats in, which came out of a 2000 limited, complete set :D:D. The seats look so pretty, and the leather is so comfy!


So that's where i am at. Still gotta work on the patch panels in the back cargo area, and finish up some welds, but in another few days, the interior is done! Then i get to start on suspension, ugh, lol.

Oh, and one little sidenote during all this, in case youre not following my 5R thread....I HAVE TCC LOCKUP NOW!! Yep, finally got it fixed and working, so other than the suspension, the truck is fully road worthy again and can cruise on the highway with the other cars :D :D :D

Blue is looking good Russell. I bet those seats are nice and comfy. :)

MrQ said:
Blue is looking good Russell. I bet those seats are nice and comfy. :)

More than you can imagine!

Not much progress to report on blue...this past weekend I did some suspension bits and what not...replaced wheel bearings (and seals of course), new front brake hoses (old ones were leaking and collapsed) and also adjusted the rear drums (Whats left of them). I did discover why my parking brake doesnt work....inside both drums, the internal cable had snapped and about half the pad lining was left eeck! But all is well, because I think a disc brake conversion is in the near future at which point Im swapping the rear springs and shocks. Stay tuned!

what kind of steering wheel is on your truck doesn't look stock

The steering wheel is from a 89 mercury cougar retrofitted with the explorer clock spring

I love Blue... I am his biggest fan!!!!!!!!

So nothing really new to report on blue except he DROVE DOWN TO HOUSTON!! BOO YEA!!! LOL, but first had to swap some new wheels on Blue just to see how they would look...

So, Blue had some lookie-loos around giving him attention, which is totally OK by me :D

And a shot of Blue with the infamous Rock Trac...

My Mounty is in front of Blue in that last pic.

Total photo bomb attempt from Kris.

I just wanted to feel included..

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So while down in houston, Blue got a little bit of attention :)

First, the all Important Demon Sticker just for Blue! Thanks Randall and Justin for that!!

Then Blue got ready for some rear leaf spring replacement action! Thanks dan for helping with this!!!


And on the way home, Blue drove great and rode tons better! Now just gotta find the rear air ride system from a 99-01 and Im set!
