Preparing Radio/Climate Bezel | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Preparing Radio/Climate Bezel


Well-Known Member
July 16, 2013
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City, State
Theriot, LA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004ExplorerSportTrac XLT
This is one of the radio bezel that I have and thought I would test out on this one. I had my wife take pictures of the process. I have only used 2 light coats of the plastic primer. I think the paint came out really good. Before I paint this practice bezel, I think I am going to do some pin stripes and some color schemes to see how it comes out. I hope you all enjoy the pictures!


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MidnightRebel, Thank you for your information on this subject!

This is a practice bezel, I do plan on painting it I want to add some pin stripes and see how is goes. I think 2 coats of primer is good. It does look like it is evenly coated. As I go forward with this project, I will keep posting pictures. Right now I am sick so everything is @ a stand still.
I plan on painting the bezel black with orange pin stripe. Then again. I could change my mind. LOL

LOL, No, my truck is blue. Once I get out from begin sick I plan on doing some things to the bezel. Like maybe some pinstripes, even put some LED's not sure yet but doing some homework while I am sick. This bezel is a practice bezel. The one I plan on using doesn't have the 4 WD hole on the bezel.

Did you ever finish? I was thinking about exterior color matching my radio bezel and would like to know how it turned out. But either way so far you were a help lol.

Stocked, no, I hadn't finished this project yet, I have had a Congestive Heart Failure on July 25 of 2014. Since then I just haven't been myself, always tired, week. I do the things that I can do and when I can't do no more, I just stop. Lately I have started a new project with a larger center console. When I can get that completed, the radio bezel will be thrown in there as well. I haven't painted anything yet because I am still figuring what colors I am going to go with. I am thinking,"greys", 2 tones grey.I am in the middle of sanding my console and a little more than half left to do. IT is taking longer that I had anticipated. But as I grow tired, I have to let myself rest and a few hours later, I do little more.

I hope these pictures come out


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I have little bit left on the drivers side console to sand and then it will be completed. then I need to take rubbing alcohol to get the particles and oils off the pieces so the primer will adhere. I will be taking pictures of the process when I feel up to it, I have been little tired here lately but I am glad that I am gaining momentum on this!

I see I am getting a lot of views on this post, anyone has questions about it? Sorry it is taking me so long to put it together, but because of my illness and lack of moola. I am just getting everything together for when I am ready and able to slap everything together. I have been thinking.... When I was getting everything to get this mod together, I bought 2 packs of blue leds to put under the dash lighting the floorboard. I am reconsidering putting them on the console to light the floorboard. I won't have to hang upside down to look under the dash. LOLOL. Well I am finished sanding the last piece of the console, I need to blow them off and use rubbing alcohol to get whatever oils that might be on it. I don't know if I have enough primer paint to spray all the pieces, so I will do the small pieces first. If it wouldn't be raining this morning I would go outside and place the console in the truck and see what it would look like when I am done with it. Thank you for reading this post. Again, if you have any questions or suggestions, please comment.

Nice job. Take your time and keep posting. Dave P.

Glad you're getting back into the swing of everything and able to work on the truck again!

Thank you r139fox and STrunner. STrunner, I was so use to be working all the time, this past year, and you can ask my wife, is driving me crazy. I use to cut my grass once every week, now I cut it every 4 to 5 weeks. I really like to get this console in the truck and @ least get the fog lights working and getting the driving lights parts together. I think I know what colors I am going to paint it. I have been thinking about it for the last 2 days. Two tone Grey, and do some trimming in black, and I think in satin. Tomorrow I will take these pieces to the barn to blow them off and bring them back to the house and take rubbing alcohol to take off what ever oils are on them, start painting some of the small pieces till I run out of paint.. I will be taking pictures tomorrow.

KajunBndit, I know what you are talking about. Three years ago a spinal cord disaster put me in a wheelchair. I use that and a walker, but it's extremely difficult working on the truck these days. It's very frustrating, and simply getting into the shed to retrieve tools turns into a major project.

Hang in there and get better. The truck will wait for you.

Thank you r139fox and STrunner. STrunner, I was so use to be working all the time, this past year, and you can ask my wife, is driving me crazy. I use to cut my grass once every week, now I cut it every 4 to 5 weeks. I really like to get this console in the truck and @ least get the fog lights working and getting the driving lights parts together. I think I know what colors I am going to paint it. I have been thinking about it for the last 2 days. Two tone Grey, and do some trimming in black, and I think in satin. Tomorrow I will take these pieces to the barn to blow them off and bring them back to the house and take rubbing alcohol to take off what ever oils are on them, start painting some of the small pieces till I run out of paint.. I will be taking pictures tomorrow.

Thank you JimInRadfordVA, I hear you sir. It just frustrates me that @ one time I could do this with no problems and I still feel like that but once I start something my body tells me otherwise. I do what I can do, when I can do it. It's feel like, "Oh Well" and I am not that kind of person. I get around with a cane and wheelchair also, I get tired and fatigued way to fast in my opinion. I hope you are well sir and you are in my prayers.
:) Well I didn't get to much done today, I had a visit from one of the loves in my life. You gotta love to hear "Paw Paw" from a dead sleep, She is such a blessing to me and her Nana. We had a great morning, we ate, hugged and kissed, watched cartoons, and she played with my beard. Almost put me back to sleep again. LOLOLOL. She is the reason why I want to be around little while longer. I plan on taking her fishing this spring even though I don't think fishing is going to be what we will do. She is very inquisitive, she loves to smell flowers and play with bugs. I love that child!
I did put the console back together to see if everything lining up, I hadn't dust, wiped anything off and taken pictures of it.


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Here the console I tore down after checking to see if everything is lining up, and now I am about to clean each piece of particles and oils. I hope to have some of the pieces painted tomorrow. I will post as I make progress!


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Is that your shop floor? My wife would never let me sand inbthe house .

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No sr139fox, that is my living room floor, and my wife don't have much to say where I work. LOLOL. She always tell me to pick up my mess when I am done and I do. LOLOL. I will painting outside, I would never do that indoor, not even in my shop.
