busted air filter housing on 93 XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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busted air filter housing on 93 XLT


New Member
March 5, 2017
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City, State
Tacoma, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Explorer XLT
Not sure how this happened (ok, maybe I did break it a bit but the previous owner must have had a hand in it). Looking at buying a new air filter housing as mine wont seal around the filter unless I can get that side attached. Anyhow, anyone know either where to get one online, or if there's a aftermarket cold air option that would allow me to just remove the air filter housing altogether.


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Old plastic exposed to fumes and heat eventually gets brittle and breaks wherever stressed. You'll probably need to find a pick-n-pull unless you get lucky on eBay. However, a decent one on eBay will likely be $$$.

Old plastic exposed to fumes and heat eventually gets brittle and breaks wherever stressed. You'll probably need to find a pick-n-pull unless you get lucky on eBay. However, a decent one on eBay will likely be $$$.

I found one on Ebay for $65.00. Probably my best bet. Was hoping to find it for cheaper as I don't have time to research and peruse junk yards.

Air intake problems are a pain due to the layout of the engine bay in first gen explorers. Nobody has ever made a cold air intake kit for them, but a few have made kits to mount a cone air filter. KKM is considered the best. The only way to get an aftermarket cold air intake is to custom make a box yourself. Lucky for you, the air box tops are easy to come by. Check the classified on this forum. Anybody parting out a vehicle will have one. I'm guessing the gaskets on you intake tube are bad as well, everybody's are. They are unobtainable. Somebody decided to start molding the whole plastic tube and selling them for $140+, but the gaskets themselves are all anyone needs. You can silicone the ones you have and hope, but mine are past any chance of repair. I tried making my own, and while it can be done, removing the tube is now a PITA.

$3 3" MAS adapter & buy a cone filter of your choice. Remove the stock box & attached the filer to the MAS with the adapter.
Just use some black Gorilla tape & tape the box shut. Won't come loose & you won't need to take it off often.

$3 3" MAS adapter & buy a cone filter of your choice. Remove the stock box & attached the filer to the MAS with the adapter.
Just use some black Gorilla tape & tape the box shut. Won't come loose & you won't need to take it off often.
I've been looking for a $3 MAS adapter but cannot find one.

You won't find one for $3, Maybe $20. A while back Brian1 had a good air box top. Message him and see if he still has it.

Can't be more than $20 at a wrecking yard. And there should be plenty available. Not sure why yours broke.

At the pick-a-part yards I go to, air cleaner assemblies are $12. Unsure on the next trip though.

There are some members on here who part Explorers/Mountaineers/Navajos. You might have some luck contacting them.
