Can you add aftermarket back up camera and display it in center screen? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Can you add aftermarket back up camera and display it in center screen?

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Sorry I cant be off too much help, I'm a noob with my PIU still, plus I have no backup cam.

However, my Uncle bought one at the same time as I did, and his has a factory OEM backup camera, which displays as a screen on the rear view mirror. So perhaps there is a good factory option that would make for an easier install.

Yes, it requires wiring and removing most of the parts in the center stack, I’ve done 5 of them

Is there a write-up or details posted anywhere?
Not that I’m aware of, it’s a pair of wires in one of the Apim connectors, then a camera. In the back, I know pimods sells a kit.

Finally got it done. Fairly straight forward but takes a bit of time. Especially the mounting and wiring inside the tailgate.


wired it up to the factory display screen. Will button it up later after routing the cable in the dash.


But what did you plug into for the image?

Finally found this post that covered it. Thanks. DIY OEM PIU Back up camera how to.
May I suggest that if you plan to buy new OEM parts, check out Levittown Ford? They are a forum vendor and offer members a discount. They are less expensive than the Fordparts site where dealers get their parts from.
Benny has been very helpful to many members here.
Good luck and keep us in the loop.

