2000 Explorer Dead Speedometer and Odometer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2000 Explorer Dead Speedometer and Odometer

Ace of Speights

New Member
February 11, 2010
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Hey everyone, I have a 2000 Explorer Sport that's been sitting for a good few years. I'm getting it up and going again. Everything seems to be running pretty well so far (knock on wood). However, I just noticed both the speedometer and odometer suddenly aren't working. Last night I turned the headlights on for the first time. I noticed the dashboard lights along with center lights (cd player, etc) we're acting a little strange. They would dim/flash on occasion (especially when adjusting the interior light control). I'm leaning towards the two being related. Possibly a wiring issue? Thoughts? Appreciate it!

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Believe both the speed / odom both use this same gear...so purchase two of same part number.


Hey everyone, I have a 2000 Explorer Sport that's been sitting for a good few years. I'm getting it up and going again. Everything seems to be running pretty well so far (knock on wood). However, I just noticed both the speedometer and odometer suddenly aren't working. Last night I turned the headlights on for the first time. I noticed the dashboard lights along with center lights (cd player, etc) we're acting a little strange. They would dim/flash on occasion (especially when adjusting the interior light control). I'm leaning towards the two being related. Possibly a wiring issue? Thoughts? Appreciate it!
in my case my speedo and odo dont work when hot need to reflow some terminals and mine does that too when i adjust the seitch its normal but it shouldnt do that when ya not adjusting it

Just checked and apparently this only works up until 99 models...so your 2000 takes different one....but procedure link posted should be near identical...yes it's a Ranger / Rangsplorer....

@Ace of Speights My '99 Sport had the finicky lights issue when the dimmer is between the top of its range and the "dome lights on" position; I observed that by moving it downward just a bit, I could avoid the issue while keeping the lights at their brightest. It could be a worn dimmer switch, or it could just be a function of its design. If it doesn't always behave the same, it could be loose or aging bulbs; it's a pain to get in there to replace the gauge bulbs (not hard, just requires time and patience) but if you suspect any of those could be loose, might as well check all of 'em.

My '99's speedometer began to work inconsistently after I had a local dealership (a branch of the company I bought it from) replace the pinion seal; may be just check to make sure the electronic speed sensors are plugged in all the way before you spend any money on it. After a few drives, it started working as it always had before, so I never messed with it or identified the source of the problem. The few times I specifically recall it happening, it was cold outside (like under 50 degrees). Old electronics don't like cold weather or humidity, or dirt, or bugs. If you live in an area with rodents, be aware that they could chew on the underbody wiring. And of course check over all the fuses and relays, some times they can come loose for the wackiest of reasons.

Hope you get this straightened out! The old 2-door Sports are a blast to drive, whether on the daily or just to beat around, or for a toy. Have fun with your project!

Have you checked the fuse for the speedometer? Reason this comes to mind is because I was tracking down a GEM relay fault yesterday (1997 MY) and whilst perusing the owners manual I did see listed some fuses for the speedometer.
And also I have seen multiple instances of relays on light truck, automobile, & motorcycle get "sticky" or "lazy" after being stored for a while.
