New Sync version 3.4.22251 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Sync version 3.4.22251


Explorer Addict
February 18, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
Mondovi, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer ST
Just downloaded and updated to version 3.4.22251. Ford shows it is done for me. One of the easiest updates I've done.

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Took me about 15 minutes to load into the vehicle. Update was reported to my Lincoln account with no issues. Thanks again Dale.


I saw this posted in a similar thread on the Lincoln forum. It explains how to report a successful update if no .xml file was produced.



My update took about 20 minutes, it generated the log file to notify Ford of the vehicle's updated version of Sync. Does anyone know what the update did? I don't see any real changes.


My update took about 20 minutes, it generated the log file to notify Ford of the vehicle's updated version of Sync. Does anyone know what the update did? I don't see any real changes.

I haven't noticed anything so far. Doubting we will like usual.

Well since the update, my iPhone no longer downloads the contact list to the Explorer. Tried to make an outgoing call yesterday on my way back up the mountain from Phoenix. Sync would not download the contact list.I will have to delete the phone and it and add it back in today to see if that works. Will report back.

Well deleted the iPhone from the Explorer and the Bluetooth Explorer device from the phone, re-added it back to the Explorer and phone, all seems to be working.


My account said there's an update, but when I go to my Explorer and click on scan for an update, it said there wasn't any?

My account said there's an update, but when I go to my Explorer and click on scan for an update, it said there wasn't any?
Same for me. So I just go online and download to a USB and update that way.

Same for me. So I just go online and download to a USB and update that way.
i did that in the past for my Expedition too while on vacation and it blanked out my screen until I got home, lol.

Same for me. So I just go online and download to a USB and update that way.
This is what I had to do on our Expedition, as my wifi won't reach the driveway.
Will be checking to see if my new-to-me Explorer is up to date as well.

My account said there's an update, but when I go to my Explorer and click on scan for an update, it said there wasn't any?
Unfortunately, that procedure doesn't seem to work very well all the time.
I only find out about updates when Dale posts about them.:D


Unfortunately, that procedure doesn't seem to work very well all the time.
I only find out about updates when Dale posts about them.:D

i had the same thing with my Expedition, my account said update available and even a year later, no update

I ended up having to use a 3rd party tool to update Sync3 in our Exped. The owner site showed no updates, but the version I had didn't have AndroidAuto. CyanLabs is the tool, I believe. Input your vehicle (by VIN IIRC) and it gives you the Sync update files to write to a clean USB.

Got my Explorer added to my Ford acct & it does show a Sync update available. May try to do that tomorrow at the office if it's quiet.

cyanlabs was what I used for my Expedition also.

Unfortunately, that procedure doesn't seem to work very well all the time.
I only find out about updates when Dale posts about them.:D

Really don't know why but I'm kind of OCD about keeping it up to date. :banghead:

Took me about 15 minutes to load into the vehicle. Update was reported to my Lincoln account with no issues. Thanks again Dale.

When I read about the update it said it would take 30 minutes with the engine running. Maybe you could post the website you used to save others 15 minutes of fuel! Thanks Peter

When I read about the update it said it would take 30 minutes with the engine running. Maybe you could post the website you used to save others 15 minutes of fuel! Thanks Peter
I went to my Lincoln account and did everything from there. I imagine your Ford account would be the same since Dale had about the same update time. I always do my updates when I'm driving somewhere instead of just letting the engine idle while doing it.


Pulled an update from the Ford owner site. Took about 30 minutes to complete.
Will have to check when I leave the office for what version it updated to. I believe the version prior was the as-new original version.

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Build: 22251_PRODUCT

Is what mine is showing
