Installed used transfer case. Tops out at 30mph. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Installed used transfer case. Tops out at 30mph.


Well-Known Member
March 10, 2018
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City, State
Loomis, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997, Explorer, XLT
I got 6 flashes of 4x4 HI and Low in the dash...

Also I got a constant O/d light flashing

Now it seems to run through gears 1 through 4 okay.But just keeps revving up and won't switch to 5.

Back story.
Was getting a loud bang when doing any sharp left turn (toward driver side) in the front driver wheel area after taking to shop to install replacement (used TC)

Noticed lower ball joint was shot. Replaced that and did a new pads and rotor while I was at it.

I checked my tires and the rear passenger was under inflated to 25 psi! The rest were 40 psi. (!) Max on these is 44psi.

Unless that rear passenger has a leak... I can only blame the tire shop who touched them last and rotated my tires for that crazy imbalance.

Sent all tires to 35 psi. Reset battery.

Did drive cycle steps excluding highway and anything above 40 mph.

Now the truck turns left without any of those banging sounds. I did some wannabe doughnuts in a cul de sac cranking the wheel left. For now those symptoms seems to have subsided.

(I think they were due to the imbalanced PSI.

When I'd turn left it's like the AWD/ limited slip was trying to suddenly turn ON. You know when you get that bang when you try to turn too sharp in 4x4?)

But now I'm left with this new problem and no 5th gear...

I've read the forums someone with a similar problem said "band" adjustment?

I had my transmission rebuilt less than a year ago. So I feel like I am still under warranty.

EDIT ongoing investigating... OBD2 AutoDoc real-time speed sensor shows 0 mph says module "not ready." Could it be a relay? Bad speed sensor on the used Borg Warner I installed?

1997 Ford Explorer Transfer Case 4x4 (part-time, electric
shift), ID F77A-7A195-GA VIN#1FMDU34E3VUC20970

V6 4.0 SOHC XLT MODEL (Control Trac) 4X4 1997





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Pull the codes. The flashing lights are the computer telling you that it has codes stored

Pull the codes. The flashing lights are the computer telling you that it has codes stored
Eh yeah my scanner must suck big time it keeps saying no codes. Weirdly.
The o/d thing flashing only starts after a few seconds of driving. Once you turn off the engine. It resets. So turn enging back on and no flashing o/d light. But starts again right away after only a few min driving.

If it's a Ford specific code outside the OBD2 code set, you need a scan tool capable of that.

One popular and less expensive option is a dongle like the BAFX on Amazon paired with a phone or tablet, etc, and using Forscan app. The free trial version should get a code at a time but the paid lite version is only $6 or so, or free for the windows version.

If you think you're still under warranty, definitely have them take a look at it.

If it's a Ford specific code outside the OBD2 code set, you need a scan tool capable of that.

One popular and less expensive option is a dongle like the BAFX on Amazon paired with a phone or tablet, etc, and using Forscan app. The free trial version should get a code at a time but the paid lite version is only $6 or so, or free for the windows version.

If you think you're still under warranty, definitely have them take a look at it.
But their work is good and the tyranny was always fine before I threw in a new (used) Tcase. Which is not warrantied.

So I'd have to pay them to use their fancy scanners to find probably one or two speed sensors out of whack in the Tcase I threw in.

I use this with OBD2 auto doctor app. Can this adapter use Forscan?


If it's a Ford specific code outside the OBD2 code set, you need a scan tool capable of that.

One popular and less expensive option is a dongle like the BAFX on Amazon paired with a phone or tablet, etc, and using Forscan app. The free trial version should get a code at a time but the paid lite version is only $6 or so, or free for the windows version.

If you think you're still under warranty, definitely have them take a look at it.
Hey quick question so using the. VEEPAK I turned on the speed sensor. I am not sure which one this is. But very telling. It said 0 mph the whole time I drove around the neighborhood.


I am unfamiliar with that Veepeak and its app. I checked the amazon reviews and they are mixed, some state it works with Forscan and some state it doesn't.

This is a situation where it's nice that Forscan has a free trial version, so no money invested in finding out.

I do know that Forscan with the BAFX, shows vehicle speed on my '98 but some things can change from one model year to another and I don't know if it called it "ECU#1" or if there's any way to directly relate what one app calls a PID versus another.

Does cruise control work? In many vehicles, cruise will not engage if the VSS is failed

But the real answer lies in the codes

I am unfamiliar with that Veepeak and its app. I checked the amazon reviews and they are mixed, some state it works with Forscan and some state it doesn't.

This is a situation where it's nice that Forscan has a free trial version, so no money invested in finding out.

I do know that Forscan with the BAFX, shows vehicle speed on my '98 but some things can change from one model year to another and I don't know if it called it "ECU#1" or if there's any way to directly relate what one app calls a PID versus another.
On obd2 auto doc with this vehicle and a Toyota Tacoma it read real-time speeds and other information beautifully.

So I can say with conviction seeing a 0 mph is very suspicious.

I need to find out which speed sensor part number is the one on the Transfer Case rear housing and also if there are any relays in charge of that sensor I can check also.

A speed sensor isn't going to have a relay, just go direct to BCM or PCM. IDK the part #, do any on Rock Auto look right?


A speed sensor isn't going to have a relay, just go direct to BCM or PCM. IDK the part #, do any on Rock Auto look right?

Fortunately I have the old transfer case still removed. I can try and pull the sensor out and give it a good look.

Most likely The flashing lights are due to a failed control trac transfer case I have seen this a gazziloon times over the years. Drain the fluid I bet there are bits of white nylon in the fluid at the bottom, the guide has failed your t case is bad and needs rebuilt

First up take the speed sensor out and inspect it. Change it for the one from your old t case.
I responded to your other thread about speed sensor with more details

If the speed sensor is the issue you would have a p0500 code and your scanner would see it also the speedometer would not work

Flashing 4hi and 4low
Lights are more
Typical of a failed control trac t case

Finding a good working 96-98 control trac case with the vss in the tailhousing is next to impossible
The best course of action is to find a 98-01 control trac case with low miles and split it open, install the back half of your case which includes the speed sensor and drive gear. I have saved many 96-97 trucks this way. This takes about 45 minutes to do and is rather straight forward.

Another option is to delete the control trac and swap in the bulletproof 1354e from a gen 1, a sport, sport trac or ranger

Most likely The flashing lights are due to a failed control trac transfer case I have seen this a gazziloon times over the years. Drain the fluid I bet there are bits of white nylon in the fluid at the bottom, the guide has failed your t case is bad and needs rebuilt

First up take the speed sensor out and inspect it. Change it for the one from your old t case.
I responded to your other thread about speed sensor with more details

If the speed sensor is the issue you would have a p0500 code and your scanner would see it also the speedometer would not work

Flashing 4hi and 4low
Lights are more
Typical of a failed control trac t case

Finding a good working 96-98 control trac case with the vss in the tailhousing is next to impossible
The best course of action is to find a 98-01 control trac case with low miles and split it open, install the back half of your case which includes the speed sensor and drive gear. I have saved many 96-97 trucks this way. This takes about 45 minutes to do and is rather straight forward.

Another option is to delete the control trac and swap in the bulletproof 1354e from a gen 1, a sport, sport trac or ranger
Yeah I guess so. Odometer seems to work fine. But the gears just don't switch good. So I'll start out swapping the sensor. Just to be sure it's this one right?

Most likely The flashing lights are due to a failed control trac transfer case I have seen this a gazziloon times over the years. Drain the fluid I bet there are bits of white nylon in the fluid at the bottom, the guide has failed your t case is bad and needs rebuilt

First up take the speed sensor out and inspect it. Change it for the one from your old t case.
I responded to your other thread about speed sensor with more details

If the speed sensor is the issue you would have a p0500 code and your scanner would see it also the speedometer would not work

Flashing 4hi and 4low
Lights are more
Typical of a failed control trac t case

Finding a good working 96-98 control trac case with the vss in the tailhousing is next to impossible
The best course of action is to find a 98-01 control trac case with low miles and split it open, install the back half of your case which includes the speed sensor and drive gear. I have saved many 96-97 trucks this way. This takes about 45 minutes to do and is rather straight forward.

Another option is to delete the control trac and swap in the bulletproof 1354e from a gen 1, a sport, sport trac or ranger
BTW if I want to go the split t case route. What's the model number I need from a 98-01? I'm guessing BW 4406 or something?

98-01 explorer or mountaineer v6 automatic 4wd

BTW if I want to go the split t case route. What's the model number I need from a 98-01? I'm guessing BW 4406 or something?
It’ll be a 4405.
