Autolamp/autodimming Mirror | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Autolamp/autodimming Mirror


Explorer Addict
June 11, 2000
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Clemmons, NC
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'06 Honda Accord EX-L
Hey! I have a '96 Eddie Bauer. It didn't have the autolamp/auto-dimming mirror. The first owner didn't order the autolamp. I suspect it was an option then, but is there anyway that I can get a mirror and the wiring from the junk yard (if I'm lucky) or at the dealership and hook it up?? If I can do that, how much is it gonna cost? Thanks.

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JC Whitney sells an aftermarket autodimming mirror kit that looks pretty durn close to the Ford OEM one.

Autodimming Mirror w/Digital Compass & Thermometer- $248.95

Autodimming Mirror, Std.- $98.95

I've seen something like that in the catalog, but I also want the autolamp function, which controls the headlights. But I like that. Is it hard to wire it up though?? Thanks.

Contact Torrie at Ford Parts Network and mention you are a member of the Serious Explorations Website. He'll give you a good price on the parts. It will depend on your local dealer how much you will be charged to have it installed.

I put the factory mirror in my '93 Eddie Bauer. The Auto Dimming part is real easy to do, just hook up the power leads, ground, and one wire to the back up lead and it's done. The autolamp is a different story. There is one wire that comes off of the mirror for it. This is a relay turn on wire. The headlights are then controlled by a two relay system, one for the parking lights and one for the headlights. When the mirror senses that it's dark enough, it sends 12V through the wire to turn on the relays and the lights come on. The problem is that the wiring harnesses are vehicle specific, that is, an Eddie Bauer w/ autolamps will have a different wiring harness than one without. Thus making it impossible to just plug the mirror in. On mine I tried to duplicate the factory relay system as close as possible and then just tapped into the wires that feed out of the headlight switch to the lights. I hope this can clear some things up. Let me know if you have any questions.

I put the factory mirror in my '93 Eddie Bauer. The Auto Dimming part is real easy to do, just hook up the power leads, ground, and one wire to the back up lead and it's done. The autolamp is a different story. There is one wire that comes off of the mirror for it. This is a relay turn on wire. The headlights are then controlled by a two relay system, one for the parking lights and one for the headlights. When the mirror senses that it's dark enough, it sends 12V through the wire to turn on the relays and the lights come on. The problem is that the wiring harnesses are vehicle specific, that is, an Eddie Bauer w/ autolamps will have a different wiring harness than one without. Thus making it impossible to just plug the mirror in. On mine I tried to duplicate the factory relay system as close as possible and then just tapped into the wires that feed out of the headlight switch to the lights. I hope this can clear some things up. Let me know if you have any questions.

Hi i also want to wire up the mirror with autolamp and overhead console soon and have all the info off this awesome site for the console and dimming mirror but not the auto lamp so if i really want to install it how can i get the or make the wirring harnes for the auto dim feature for my 97 SOHC XLT
Thanks in advance!

I got everything to work. Both Autodimming and autolamp function.

This quote is for the AutoDimming function:

Originally posted by '96explorereddiebauer
Oh man...I just did this mod a couple of months ago. It's awesome!! Autodimming/Autolamp mirror was an option for every model except Limited, which was standard, and XL, which was not available. Anyways...I don't know if the wiring colors changed but here it is...

First, remove the old mirror. In order to remove the old mirror, insert a flathead screwdriver at the bottom of the mirror and put up. The mirror will slide out. To install the new mirror, just slide it in.

Then, if you're going to the junkyard and get the mirror, be sure to get the mirror and the wiring harness. Get as much wires from the mirror as possible because you'll need it. You'll might need extra wires because I needed more wires so I could tap the wires onto the overhead console harness.

Next, in order to get to the wiring harness in the overhead console, you need to take the console down so you'll have access to the wires. If you have a sunroof, open it then pull the plastic molding right behind the console. After pulling that out, go to the front of the console and yank that thing down.

If you don't have sunroof, open the garage door opener compartment door and unscrew the two screws then go to the front of the console and yank it down.

Alrighty...and the fun stuff begins, I tapped the Power (Light Green/Yellow) and the Ignition (Red/Yellow) from the mirror to the Power wire (Gray/Yellow) in the overhead console. I haven't grounded anything yet so now, I had to tap the Ground (Black) wire from the overhead console to the Ground (Black) wire from the mirror and voila! You've got AUTODIMMING mirror.

Good luck. This is a very simple mod and should take you about 30 minutes to do. It's well worth it. Again...good luck!!!

And for AutoLamp...

Originally posted by RiverRat
The W/P can be found at the relay module or the Remote Anti-Theft Module (RAP) Try splicing into that the white/purple at the relay box.

Just try to find the white/purple wire under the dash, near the e-brake lever. You'll see a loom of wires and just dig in and find it. The hardest part is to put in the wiretap. Good luck!!

One note about autolamp. Since I didn't wire it to the headlight switch, your switch will be defective when the mirror turns the lights on. In order to control the lights in the dark, such as turning on the parking lights, you have to turn autolamp off then switch on the parking lights. Also, when you're at a junkyard, try to find a mirror that is from a '94-'96. That's the one that looks square-ish and have a few buttons and a slider instead of the newer ones with only a slider control. Good luck!!

Originally posted by '96explorereddiebauer
One note about autolamp. Since I didn't wire it to the headlight switch, your switch will be defective when the mirror turns the lights on. In order to control the lights in the dark, such as turning on the parking lights, you have to turn autolamp off then switch on the parking lights.

That's how my factory set up is.
It is soupose to be that way.

btw the auto-on is by far my fav feature on my Ex

Hey thanks guys i already have had the mirror and overhead console for ages now but i am finnaly going to put them in i have the newer mirror with slide only and the overhead with the switch instead of the pocket! i'll need to buy the bracket and temp sensor though!!!

Just with the Auto lamp what is W/P and is it that simple, just splicing in to this purple white wire? can you tell me in a little more detail where it is i think my rig is different to your's? The E-Brake do you mean hand brake cos mine is on the console as i have a floor shift?
Thanks for your help guys!

Originally posted by MONMIX
That's how my factory set up is.
It is soupose to be that way.

btw the auto-on is by far my fav feature on my Ex

I didn't know about that. I thought the switch can override the function. I learn something everyday. Thanks man!!

Yep! Just splice it in. Your application might be different because it's a right hand drive. I don't know about the wiring there. But for the North American Explorers, the wire is located under the driver's (left) side of the dash, near the foot brake. I'll take a pic tomorrow and post it. Hope this helps.


You are a CHAMP!

Ok that would really help if you could take a pic i'll look on my driver's side and passenger side for it! could it be behind the kick panel's?

what exactly does that wire do???

On some of the other thread's people are saying that you need to get a proper wiring harness for the autolamp and a different headlight switch but if it is as easy as splicing one wirer i would have done it yonks ago!!!

One more question, i have read on othere threads that the RAP is in the jack compartment in the back of the truck, is this correct????

The W/P wire is coming from the RAP module to control the operations of headlights and parking lights so when the alarm goes off, the W/P wire carries an electronic signal to the headlight/parking lights/dimmer relays to complete the signal, turning on the lights in a sequence. The Autolamp also uses this signal to control the lights. I hope this answers your question.

The wire is not located behind the kick panels. It's in a big loom of wires. It's soooo big. I think it's at least a couple of inches in diameter. For the North American version, the loom of wires are located directly left of the steering column shaft. I'm guessing that the loom of wires are right of the steering column shaft for the right hand drive (RHD) models.

You don't need a wiring harness nor a module to make autolamp to work. Just tap the wire and that's all.

Yes, the RAP is in the jack compartment of the truck. But you don't have to run the wire to the back, just run the wire down below your instrument panel.

I forgot to mention something about the autolamp. The delay won't work. I don't know why but I really don't care for the delay so I'm not even gonna figure out why.

EDIT (8/24/04): The delay does work now. You need to splice one of the wires to a wire that is hot at all times such as an accessory plug on the side of the center console or a cigarette lighter. Instructions are on the next page.

Thanks heaps for that i will do it when i get my indiglows and install all at once on a few days off!!!
Also do you know anything about the message centre install on an XLT? any pics of one?

No problem!! Don't bother installing the message center. It's doable but it's a pain in the butt to do it. Involves a lot of splicing and I remember some guy took like 20 hours to get everything to work. It's totally not worth it.

ok i'll take your word for it! but it sure would be nice to have! sigh.

Yeah. It's a nice thing to have. I have one in my Eddie Bauer and it's pretty accurate. But once you're tired of it, you'll leave it in that same mode. For me, it is the number of gallons used. But like I's nice to have but it does not worth spending 20+ hours working on it. If ya have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Acctualy One more QUESTION???

I was just thinking about the outside temp sensor for the overhead console as i need to get one of those still and was wanting to know if i will also need the inside temp sensor that sits behind the little grill in the dash???
Again Thanks.

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You know what!!! I can't even install a message centre in my rig as our "X"s in AUS have a centre auto trans floor shift so i guess that the "X"s here cant have EM!
