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air horns


Well-Known Member
November 20, 2007
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The sick trails of Boston, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 XLT 4x4
installed mine over the weekend. cheap, obnoxiously loud and ridiculously easy to install (20 mins tops). they're an absolute riot, the reaction from most people is hilarious :D

anyone one else have an air horn setup in their X?

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Check out this cool explorer with train horns:

Show us some photo of your horns. Where did you mount them?

If you wanted to a video demonstration of your horns would be awesome for us to see.


Check out this cool explorer with train horns:

Show us some photo of your horns. Where did you mount them?

If you wanted to a video demonstration of your horns would be awesome for us to see.

I'll take some pics when I get home. The whole thing is literally zip tied in there for easy removal, didn't even have to break out my tool kit!

i was thinkin of putting an air horn on the explorer and the caddy

the pics and vid suck (cell phone) sorry. I was by myself, I'll try to get a buddy to take a better one later. You kind of get the idea, but the video really doesn't do this thing justice, it's ridiculously loud

edit: vid wouldn't upload. i'll try again tomorrow

nice man. Is it a oooggahh horn or train or what

I want one of the fog horns like on a big ship.

Due to excessive comments about how my horn sounded on my old 1999 Honda accord I bough 6 of the exact same horn he has in the above photo. They are not loud at all. Your Stock horn is way louder than 6 of them believe me I tried. As to weather or not it's an OOOGAH horn, no its not, it's a dual tone. Meaning that each horn has a different tone, although they are wired together so they cannot be honked separately.

Here is the link to the manufactures website.

Were can you buy them, I bought the ones on my Honda at pepboys. I believe that AutoZone, and Napa sell them as well.

If you are really serious and you truly want Train Horns Click Here

Due to excessive comments about how my horn sounded on my old 1999 Honda accord I bough 6 of the exact same horn he has in the above photo. They are not loud at all. Your Stock horn is way louder than 6 of them believe me I tried. As to weather or not it's an OOOGAH horn, no its not, it's a dual tone. Meaning that each horn has a different tone, although they are wired together so they cannot be honked separately.

Here is the link to the manufactures website.

Were can you buy them, I bought the ones on my Honda at pepboys. I believe that AutoZone, and Napa sell them as well.

If you are really serious and you truly want Train Horns Click Here

You're right, I did pick up the kit at autozone, and wolo is the manufactuer.
The air horns are decisively louder than my old stocker. I'll admit that might be attributed to my old horn simply being worn out, but there really is no comparison between the two. As far as hornblasters go, if you want to spend a couple hundreds bucks on a train horn, than knock yourself out, but for the money, these things make a huge difference. Compared to a train horn, yeah they aren't that loud, but for my purposes they make more than enough noise.

Due to excessive comments about how my horn sounded on my old 1999 Honda accord I bough 6 of the exact same horn he has in the above photo. They are not loud at all. Your Stock horn is way louder than 6 of them believe me I tried. As to weather or not it's an OOOGAH horn, no its not, it's a dual tone. Meaning that each horn has a different tone, although they are wired together so they cannot be honked separately.

Here is the link to the manufactures website.

Were can you buy them, I bought the ones on my Honda at pepboys. I believe that AutoZone, and Napa sell them as well.

If you are really serious and you truly want Train Horns Click Here

Yea I was looking at some of those on ebay awhile back. They are kinda expensive but well worth the price. I wanted it to scare people at railroad crossings but figured I'd probably wind up in jail:rolleyes:

Yea I was looking at some of those on ebay awhile back. They are kinda expensive but well worth the price. I wanted it to scare people at railroad crossings but figured I'd probably wind up in jail:rolleyes:

If you go with the same style plastic horn no one is going to confuse your horns for a train. They sound nothing like a train horn, and they are no where near as loud.

If you go with the same style plastic horn no one is going to confuse your horns for a train. They sound nothing like a train horn, and they are no where near as loud.

Thats the problem those cheap plastic horns arent loud enough for me. I like loud. I think you misread my comment.

Thats the problem those cheap plastic horns arent loud enough for me. I like loud. I think you misread my comment.


Hey i would love it, that is if someone else pays for it. I am not about to spend that kind of money on horns.

Yea I was close to buying the kit but couldnt justify spending that much on a horn.










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haha nice bro, I had a set of air horns on my x awhile back, they were the real deal. 4 18" long horns with a 2.5hp air compressor with a 5 gal tank. But I had to take it off after the 5th ticket lol
