Ghost towns of the eastern Sierra's Sept. 2014 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ghost towns of the eastern Sierra's Sept. 2014


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March 4, 2007
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anaheim hills,california
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95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
Would anyone be interested in an offroad trip to explore ghost towns near Bodie California around September?

A quick link..

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Interested. Would this be something I could take Tracy's stock 01 explorer on?

Yes...we will schedule the trails to fit the vehicles that want to attend...That can also change due to who actually shows up and trail conditions..

This trip will be more of a fun exploring type trip geared for those who want to join up for a night or four but camping will be involved..:D

We have a vacation scheduled for Bodie/Mono Lake during the second and third weekend in September ..

We have a vacation scheduled for Bodie/Mono Lake during the second and third weekend in September ..

I hear the voice of Tom Bodet saying..

We'll leave the fireplace on for ya


Do you already have plans or just chillin' on your vacation?

..I think this is the third year I have been asked about doing a run in this area and it's been quite a while for me. I used to explore and fish in the area when I would pass thru and I know it can be very pretty up there that time of year..

Do you already have plans or just chillin' on your vacation?

A little of both.

Watching the TV show Motion, and reading a few RV'er blogs have wet the whistle big time. For example, a Short Bishop write up

We want to see:

  1. Bodie
  2. Mono Lake
  3. Ancient Bristle Cone Pines
    [*}Alabama Hills

and I've found a few BLM boon docking/dog friendly areas.

A little of both.

Watching the TV show Motion, and reading a few RV'er blogs have wet the whistle big time. For example, a Short Bishop write up

We want to see:

  1. Bodiepp
  2. Mono Lake
  3. Ancient Bristle Cone Pines
    [*}Alabama Hills

and I've found a few BLM boon docking/dog friendly areas.

Please share the locations if you could...That's the hardest part on planning trips anymore is finding the free areas...But will understand if you don't want to share them online before your trip..;)

I do use that site often and have found it useful but have found it is missing a lot..

I have found members of EF have turned me on to some awesome locations that site didn't even mention as a lot of good campsites are kept quiet..

I do owe DB_1 a big thanks to letting me in on a historical site recently. 14 miles closer to where I was than that site recomended..

Yea, I can it missing a lot of sites. Posting a location on that sites means it will get more use and abuse than before.

Most of what I've seen to date is from bloggers, and other sites I've visited.

Nothing has been fully planned yet, haven't had the time to do that.

I'm hoping this kinda stays as a meetup and explore while finding campsites and Gold along the way to pay for the high gas cost..:D

Make a point to eat at the gas station in Lee Vining, it won't disappoint. Bodie is pretty cool, but only really worth a day at most. Tom's Place also has some of the best milkshakes around.

..Any chance you will head up with us Boomer?

..It's been a while since I was in Lee Vining..:scratch:

Depends on the dates that are set, and how busy work is. I'm sure the wife would love it though if it works out.

I think i would be up for it, there is a lot of trails up there I used to go up to Bridgeport all the time


..Hopefully the temps will be comfortable when we do make it up there..

For those wondering, there is also a chance of fall colors on this area at this time of year.

..Bumping this thread for those who say they want to go on one of these trail trips..

..Here is your chance to join in at a perfect time of year..:D

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..I drove by there yesterday..:burnout:


..Here is what the cheap gas prices were just for reference..

Reno = $3.85
Carson City = $3.74
Bridgeport = $4.84 (nearest town to Bodie)
All other towns south on 395 was = $4.29

While at home it is $3.93
