01 Sport trac + damarble = 410fortune WIP | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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01 Sport trac + damarble = 410fortune WIP


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August 3, 2000
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What's up Explorer forum!!
I have some new developments from the 410Customs shop to share with you guys

Back in 2020 or early 21, can't remember a certain black sport trac hit the local Spokane Washington craigslist. I was super interested in it! However my stepson NorthIdaho5oh beat me to the punch and snatched it up! (he does trucks too)
What caught our eye about this trac is 5.0, 5 speed, manual t case, torsion bar delete......... that would catch your eye too!!

So stepson bought it, brought it home, and then had to move houses. So he sold it to me, hopefully for close to what he got it for!! HAHAHAHA It should have been mine since day one anyways! This truck was like built for me to fix up, its a semi basket case 5.0 sport trac!! Right at home here in my shop

So anyways I still daily drive my 1988 Bronco II...... my wife has an FJ cruiser, and together we have a badass excursion, a badass van and I have my badass F350 shop truck (all 7.3's BTW)
The van is rusting out, frame rot, so she has been retired. The BII is getting up there (350K miles, daily driver 20+ years) I have ALWAYS loved the sport tracs.
I take kids to school daily, we live way back in the woods and we have dogs.... so a BII is a little small at times. I need something that can handle the logging road we call a driveway as well as 2-3 kids, some dogs, trash, fuel runs, and carry supplies.
Enter the sport trac!
I already picked up a nice white 2001 sport trac years ago I had planned to build up, I have a 306 (rebuilt 302) I have been holding onto, I have a M5ODHD-R2 I picked up from a 4.2 F150 as well as the 4406 manual t case
And then this treasure came along.
It already has a 5.0 under the hood with OBX headers and dual exhaust, already has working m5odr2 and 4406m!!!
Lots of new parts too, new Alcan rear springs, new rancho 9000 shocks, new 8" coilovers up front........... but still it was for sale on CL! Lucky us!!

So as I am buying parts and planning the build I am on EF and I see the 5.0 exhaust thread... and in that thread is this picture:

So it was posted by Damarble, have not seen him here on EF since 2018 as far as I can tell

First thing I did was send him a PM
No response yet..... but that was just yesterday
I have several questions about this truck, however some of them have already been answered I was able to go back and read some of his posts where he talks about building this sport trac
Nobody ever asked him, wow sounds sick, where's the build thread, etc etc He had built a wicked explorer sport solid axle, and now this sport trac I now own!!
no thread for the trac.
At some point he moved on and sold this truck, that is where I come in
I am going to build it up

Secretly in my "spare time" I have been preparing a certain explorer 5.0 engine to go in this beast. I have a 11,000 mile 306 from a 98 explorer I have been dragging around for years. Short version of the story good friend of mine in CO bought an Ex with rebuilt engine (paperwork) and then shortly after rolled it on its lid. I helped him get another 5.0 sploder and get back on the road, bought and crushed the rolled ex....kept the engine for my own personal build.
Now it is happening.
So 98 explorer 306, I just put in Comp cam and springs now dressing up the block with new gaskets and waterpump....
getting ready to pull the existing 5.0 from the trac and replace it with this one.

Stay tuned!

If anyone knows Damarble, or has seen him around, please point me to him or him to here....that would be awesome.

I would like to find out the history on this trac! It is about to become one wicked off grid off road family hauler......... I think it would be cool to talk to the guy who built it and let him see it lives on!
Hope this message finds you well and to hear from you soon!!

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Original post


Won't find my truck for sale no way ...

When you mentioned a retired van, I'm imagining the straight arrow with a toaster and waterbed. That 7.3 will outlive another vehicle if you transplanted it.

Should I start an Explorer Forum petition that you can’t work on the Sport Trac until you finish Eddie’s Ranger ? ? 😜

Tuning in for the build (after the Ranger…)


Funny you say that

The van is 01 e350 w 72k miles on it, chateau edition
Came from Chicago big rust
Frame around steering gear box rotten
The 7.3 is going into my 97 f350 very soon as well as rear disc brake limited slip axle
My 97 needs a fresh 7.3 been limping along in 7.5 holes for a while now

I will not be doing any work on the sport trac until after Eddie’s truck!!! The trac will not come in the shop until his truck is rolling and running
I do run a shop like full time, and often have my hands full, Eddie knows about all my trials and tribulations we speak very often. I still have to generate an income even while waiting for parts. These builds take lots of planning, research, I have 3 sport tracs, 4 gen 2’s, and 3 rangers outside all waiting their turn…. And I’m not even supposed to be buying trucks right now!!
I fix vehicles for friends and family on top of my regular work load..

I juggle many many jobs around the shop and homestead it is my whole world! And I still do elevators ;)

Now if we could get Paul to come up here and help!! Hahahaha I keep trying to get Eddie to move over here and help me full time we could process a lot of projects!!

In all seriousness we moved to Idaho 4 years ago now and I have been working on my 5 year plan, that means by next
November I plan to actually open shop right now is still transition time and I work towards
My goal every day 7 days a week


There’s the pics! Only thing missing is all the snow

That sport trac would look good in my driveway

Aside from the engine, whats the build plan for the trac?
Btw, I had no idea you still did elevators too!!

Camper shell, if I can find one
Fix the front coilover situation (striking in spots)
Suspension lift of some sort
Wheels tires
Entertainment and cameras
I know I hate the look of the stock aide
Mirrors would love to see a 07-11 ranger
Mirror on there

Gears lockers
More travel
Body work / coating

You know! The usual! We need something smaller then an excursion or f350 w a bed and 4-5 seats. Sport trac perfect!

I still have a nice white one with no drivetrain that sucker will likely get
Flipped after I do a couple of rangers
now because of this truck I have a spare
M5r2 and 4406m

Yes elevators my career! My passion is trucks. Been working on elevators in one way or another since 1987 when I was 14
Now days I do maybe 10-20 hours a month moving towards doing trucks full time
This has been my dream for 20’years+!!!

Nothing but respect for your work and passion. Thanks for posting up all your efforts - - it’s been an inspiration for the rest of us.

Yeah buddy!

(Means hell yes I’m north Idaho speak)

Yes elevators my career! My passion is trucks. Been working on elevators in one way or another since 1987 when I was 14
Now days I do maybe 10-20 hours a month moving towards doing trucks full time
This has been my dream for 20’years+!!!
This has been my dream for 20’years+!!!
I never see anyone with a 5 speed STrac......well now 410....Question Mr 410....going to replace the factory body bushing.
Wanted a small lift .....Question whats the lift on the 2001 STrac body lift 5 speed of 1"...1.5" or 2" with out having to do much
or no changing to anything??? Going to use 3" nylon 66 sandwiched between 2 -3"galvanized washers as the lift against the body frame that the factory bushing will sit to that ....???? Question 1" ....1.5" or 2 " with out having to do any major changing...

thanks 410 ...with all you wrote above figured you know this or you may not have ever messed with a 1" to possible 2" lift
in 410 world.......??? on such a item as the STrac.......thanks..........No matter what...

You can do a 2” body lift abs not have to change much at all
At 3” things start to get crazy with the steering shaft extension, rasing the radiator (drop the shroud)! And starting to stretch brake lines wires etc
Stick with 2” or under and it is much easier

A body lift is a good way to get
Clearance for larger tires.

On this 01 black trac the 2” body lift also made it possible to run the side exit true dual exhaust

You can do a 2” body lift abs not have to change much at all
At 3” things start to get crazy with the steering shaft extension, rasing the radiator (drop the shroud)! And starting to stretch brake lines wires etc
Stick with 2” or under and it is much easier

A body lift is a good way to get
Clearance for larger tires.

On this 01 black trac the 2” body lift also made it possible to run the side exit true dual exhaust
Hey thanks 410.......so I can get all the way to 2" will I have to do some radiator stuff???? or not???

Im pretty sure I know what you are getting for Christmas........a socket set or another
project truck.....even though craigslist the sellers have over priced their trucks due to auto lots listing
their items have screwed up craigslist and the homeowner type thinking they are selling
collector item truck for 5K that are a few years back
are 500.00 trucks and still are.......something weird is going on or something leaked into the water....
or its a IQ thing on pricing.......But their are still deals out their on Craigs.....I found my STrac 5 speed
their took 2 years.....one thing, is allot passed it by because it was manual....I used the old car buying
gig when I showed up that I really did not want a manual....but I'll take it if I have to , Donald taught me
that 101 used car purchase trick......and how to fold a 10 dollar bill to make it look like a 100.00....

Hey thanks allot.....410 have a good Christmas.....wait is that against the law to say that???? Im I going to
have to go to "Camp 22" for that....for 3 weeks....

thanks again...................................Me

Poly(hexamethylene adipamide),Poly(N,N′-hexamethyleneadipinediamide), Maranyl, Ultramid, Zytel, Akromid, Durethan, Frianyl, Vydyne other wise known as Nylon 66


Just use hockey pucks for your body lift cheap and perfect fit little over 1” of lift

Craigslist and Facebook market place drive the prices of your local market, not blue book. Prices are high right now because there is a large shortage of new vehicles and people are tired of spending $50k for a compact truck

Things are worth what somebody will pay for them. I am happy with the used car market right now because I am selling trucks I flipped.

Stick with under 2” and the only mod you need to make to radiator is to raise the shroud a bit so it clears the fan

Just use hockey pucks for your body lift cheap and perfect fit little over 1” of lift

Craigslist and Facebook market place drive the prices of your local market, not blue book. Prices are high right now because there is a large shortage of new vehicles and people are tired of spending $50k for a compact truck

Things are worth what somebody will pay for them. I am happy with the used car market right now because I am selling trucks I flipped.

Stick with under 2” and the only mod you need to make to radiator is to raise the shroud a bit so it clears the fan
Okey Dokey.........410 ....thanks ......ST jr.....just trying to "Make My Sport Trac Great Again"........and you are right the
5 speed makes the STrac jump......Oh saw a post on Valvoline Maxlife full Synth. Trans Mer 5 manual trans. for that
trans. .....it was so cheap ran 6 months flush dumped and refilled after 6 months...just as a baby treatment of the 5
speed...manual with Valvoline Maxlife full Synth. Trans...................

thanks again...................................ST Jr............


Have you gotten any further on the old beast? I moved on from it back then to buy a new Bronco. Then I bought a B2 to build into a trail rig, and I started wishing I still had the ST to build instead.

PXL_20230216_005527886.jpg 307405009_5477755965678664_8987331812646614945_n.jpg

Dude! Good to hear from you!
I have not done anything to it yet, not a single thing. I went to move it before the snow came and the clutch let go? So odd plenty of fluid in the reservoir.
The snow is melting now
I am finishing up the ranger I am building right now then I will be full force into the sport trac project. I have an engine for it and big plans…..

That happened to the frame in the back? Wicked build btw I love it

Nice broncos!!

Dude! Good to hear from you!
I have not done anything to it yet, not a single thing. I went to move it before the snow came and the clutch let go? So odd plenty of fluid in the reservoir.
The snow is melting now
I am finishing up the ranger I am building right now then I will be full force into the sport trac project. I have an engine for it and big plans…..

That happened to the frame in the back? Wicked build btw I love it

Nice broncos!!

It was rear ended shortly after the 5.0 swap and totaled. I bought it back and rolled the payout into the suspension work.

The engine in it is pretty fresh and ran great, it just started dumping coolant out the front. I changed the water pump and it still leaked from behind the timing cover so that's when I threw in the towel.

Not sure what's going on with the clutch, it didn't have very many miles on it.

Ironically, my B2 was also bought from a guy that had a well known build thread on the old B2 forum that shut down. It's getting a second life with super duty 1 tons.

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It was rear ended shortly after the 5.0 swap and totaled. I bought it back and rolled the payout into the suspension work.

The engine in it is pretty fresh and ran great, it just started dumping coolant out the front. I changed the water pump and it still leaked from behind the timing cover so that's when I threw in the towel.

Not sure what's going on with the clutch, it didn't have very many miles on it.

Ironically, my B2 was also bought from a guy that had a well known build thread on the old B2 forum that shut down. It's getting a second life with super duty 1 tons.
woowee, glad youre back!
