03 Cruise Problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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03 Cruise Problem


March 27, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Brownsville, Ky
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 XLT
I am having a issue with my cruise control.... Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes when I go to set the cruise, the cruise light will flash once and then go off and will not set. This is the case most of the time, it will work only once a month maybe. Also my ABS light has been coming on also... Could these two issues be related? I have searched the threads and not really been able to find anything.... Thanks for everyones help.... :(

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sounds like one of the wheel speed sensors (also used ABS sensors) is dying out.

Same Problem with Cruise Control and ABS light

I have the same problem. Cruise Control works about half the time. When it's not working, I can't activate the Cruise Control at all - no light on dash, just doesn't engage at all. When it does work, it works fine. Also, the ABS light has been coming on intermittently.

I'd be interested to know if the wheel speed sensor was the problem.

'03 Cruise Control Problem

I just started having the same problem with my cruise control. In order to get it to work, I have to hit the "coast" button. Only problem now, once my cruise control is activated, everytime I hit "coast" to slow down, it speeds me up. My mileage is 44,000.

My vehicle had the same problem. Although mine is a 1999 Explorer sport. All of the sudden one day, my cruise control stopped working. When I would turn it on and try to set the speed, the CC light on the gauge cluster would quickly blink on the off, just once. Every once in a while, it would engage. After a quick search on the forums, I found this thread.


That being said, I'm not too sure if the 2003 models use the same Cruise Control switch as mine, but it fixed the problem. It was cheap and easy. Might be worth looking into.


My 02 had same problems you guys described. Turned out the be the switches on the steering wheel. They come all four . the switched are just resistors that send a resitence to the pcm.

Oh by the way I dont think the abs sensor on the wheel has any effect on the cruise control

My 03 Explorer had the same problem. It was the ABS Module. This module is uded by the Cruise Control & the ABS system. The problem lasted for three months, Ford kept on saying that there is nothing wrong (they didnt want to fix it under warranty, I was told by a freindly receptionist). I tod them they can keep the car until it was fixed, I rang them three times a day and visited the service department every bloody day. They had the explorer for two weeks later, last week I got it back, after they had tried every avenue to avoid replacing the ABS Module under warranty they fixed it. I have had no problems since.

I had the same exact problem. They replaced some switch up on the brake master cylinder.

kbasham - Did you get your problem fixed?
