03 Overhead console different from 2000 model? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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03 Overhead console different from 2000 model?


New Member
September 10, 2004
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City, State
Atlanta, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 Mazda B3000
The 03 OHC is the same as the 2000 model's OHC isn't it?

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No. the '00 has the Temp and compass on it. And the '02+ Doesn't. If I can get off my lazy bum I'll take a pic.

SO the 02+ only has temp?
The wiring would be the same as the previous versions with compass, right?

The reason I ask is I've put an 03 ohc in my truck using the wiring described on the tutorial on this site that applies to the 01 and earlier ohc's.
My ohc is now acting odd- it turns off when I turn the stock domelight on, the dimmer dims when it should brighten. I think I must have just mixed the two wires going to the factory domelight.

They're two totally different designs. The '02 has nothing on it. Two secs and I'll grab a pic.


Pic 1- '02 with rear AC. W/O AC is just about the same. Ours isn't here so you'll have to live with that one.

Pic 2- '95(same as '00)


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So mine is not an '03 like the bone yard thought...I went to the Ford dealer and bought an outside temp sensor for an 03 explorer...that could explain why my temp reads 33 degrees when it is actually about 70.

How can I find out what year this is from? I heard the temp sensors were different for different years.

Also, why would it dim backwards and come on/off backwards?

Thanks for the pics by the way! I appreciate that.

I'm not sure how you tell. It can be narrowed down by the color of the display. But I'm not sure what years had what shade of green.

It looks exactly like my moms she has in her 2k. I noticed todds says gargage which is obviously a earlier year. The temp sensors are the same 98 ot 01 i beleive

boominXplorer said:
It looks exactly like my moms she has in her 2k. I noticed todds says gargage which is obviously a earlier year. The temp sensors are the same 98 ot 01 i beleive

It doesn't get any earlier than Mine :p Didn't know they didn't put them on newer ones.

Just dawned on me. It could be from an '03 Sport or Sport Trac

I just spent an hour and a half with my digital multimeter confirming I have the thing wired correctly, and the right wires are getting the right voltage at the right times.
I am beginning to think my console's electronics are whacked or I have an odd year model.

Here's another whacky point I noticed:
When I turn the map light on the OHC on, the temp/compass display goes off. When I turn the OHC's maplight back off, the display comes back on. Weird...

Here's the part numbers I got off of it. They were on the underside of the garage door compartment:

The second part number was stamped right below the above one in a smaller font.

Bump for any ideas where my wiring is messed up...
