04 Sport Trac Won't Start | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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04 Sport Trac Won't Start


July 14, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
Rome, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Ford Explorer Sport
Hey all,

I went to start my truck today and it would just crank. I listened and couldn't hear my fuel pump buzz at all. Last night I filled up and drove it well over 100 miles without any issues, to my destination and back. Go to start it today and nothing. There weren't any signs of it running odd.

I had an issue before where it ended up being my fuel shut off switch (or whatever its called) was unplugged, located on the passenger side under the glove box area. I couldn't quite remember the exact way to reset that switch so I unplugged it, plugged it in and pressed the button for a few seconds but nothing. What else can I look at to fix this issue before determining it is the pump?

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So an update, I checked the voltage at the inertia switch and got a 11.5v reading. Switched out the 20A fuse to the pump with the rear window 20A and the rear window worked still (so the original fuel pump fuse was fine). Switched the relay with the fog light relay and lights still worked. Tried jumping the relay pins 3 and 5 and the pump still isn't engaging. Jumped the inertia switch and same thing.

Went the the connector located on the frame rail in front of the tank and tested the ground which stayed around 1 ohm. I then tried testing the pink/black wire but wasn't getting any voltage with the key turned on. Not sure if I tested these two properly or not. For the voltage I connected one terminal to my meter in the female end of the connector and the other to the male prong of the other connector. For resistance I placed both in the black female wire of the connector.

Can anyone help me out? I'm thinking its the fuel pump for sure but don't want to drop $250 and have it end up being a cheaper fix.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, I checked for codes and got nothing back. The check engine light goes out when trying to start the truck. Theft light also goes out and doesn't blink fast as I've seen people say to check in other posts.

I want to make sure I am testing the correct connector for the fuel pump.


The grey connector on the left is the one I am testing. I am not getting any voltages when the key is on. When it is disconnected I end up getting a Low Fuel reading and the fuel gauge is at zero so I know that grey connector relates to the fuel pump. Shouldn't I be getting a voltage reading at the terminals? From everything I have read people keep indicating an 8 pin connector but neither of those in the picture are only 8. There are 4 large pins and about 8 smaller ones if I remember correctly.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!! I'm stuck on spring break without a vehicle until I can get this issue fixed :(

Earlier I was able to unplug my fuel pump and test the voltage to that harness. I was getting some voltage readings but they seemed odd. I can't quite remember what exactly they were but one was jumping from like 1v - 3v.

I bought a new fuel pump and decided to plug it in before lowering the tank and replacing the pump. Plugged it in and turned the key to on and don't hear a buzzing at all. The float works fine, when its down I get low fuel and when its up it goes away.

Can anyone help??

EDIT: My ground strap is rotted out and not connected. Could this be the issue? Its been a few months though since they broke. When I did a body lift over the summer I noticed they had broke and were rotting but didn't get around to replacing them. Haven't had any issues

Fix the ground strap first.

I am sending you thr diagnosis info you requested.

Good luck!

Thanks for the diagrams. I fixed the ground straps and my battery drained dead. Charged it up and decided to just send it to a mechanic cause I need it fixed before the end of the week. I'll let everyone know what it ended up being for future reference.

I'm interested to hear the end result. Keep us updated.

This may seem stupid, but for the sake of verification, why not disconnect the incoming fuel line from your fuel filter and turn your key on. If fuel comes out, your pump is fine. I've never noticed any noise coming from my fuel pump, but it works.

It ended up being my fuel pump driver module. It was rotted out in the back.

How about a part number and location on the truck?
