1991 XLT SAS Tech Input Needed | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1991 XLT SAS Tech Input Needed

I own a 1991 Xlt 4x4 automatic 4ALD tranny 4dr with manual locking hubs and manual transfer-case! I would like to here from you guys that have already done a SAS on your ride! What is the the best axles to use !!!Leafs or coils is my next question ,or should i just lift the TTB .I like soild axles and if your going to spend $1200 to $1500 on a ttb lift I would think a SAS is the way to go!! So HELP ME DECIDE PLEASE:exp:

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and also does the lift kits on a ranger fit a explorer

Front is identical. Rear is different, as the Ranger is spring over and the explorer is spring under.

You can use blocks on a ranger to get cheap lift out back, but on an explorer it will actually lower the truck instead of lift it. Just crawl underneath and look at the springs and you'll get the idea.

Axle perches by almost any reputable dealer are good. I like the Mountain Off-Road long ones myself, but they all work.

Realize that a spring over also probably means a lot of other work... Like custom driveshafts, etc.

For an SAS, find yourself a Dana 44 axle. Anything less is weaker than your stock Dana 35. I'd check Jeep XJs. Same bolt pattern and similar width, but realize that most XJs came with a Dana 30 -- a weaker axle.

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http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=46236 what about this SOA I don't think he had a custom driveshaft
It depends from Explorer to Explorer -- some have needed a longer driveshaft some have not. I did after the rear driveshaft pulled apart going over a speed bump -- the long end dragged on the ground and the short end (the one connected to the transfer case) banged against the gas tank for a few dozen rotations until I put the trans in Neutral.

So I'll just stick with the 4 inch lift now until i get more money to do a SAS Thanks for the info

need help with what I should do with my 92 ranger as far as sas kits

I have a 92 ford ranger with the 5.5'' lift for the ttb and I rub with my 33X12.5 on 15's and bolth my best bud's have toyotas and run the soild kits with no smaller then 35's and I got the horse power to out run them on the road but I moved up to walla walla WA to go to school. and all I see is lifted toyota's and I am the lil guy agen and am intrested in doing a sas kit so I can at least run 35's so I can keep up on and off the road so if any one can help me get started with my sas kit or know any cheep but efective ways it would be a big help!
