1995 Aerostar. Radiator or heater core problem. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1995 Aerostar. Radiator or heater core problem.


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April 23, 2011
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It started out as a slow leak and now I cant go more than a few miles with out stopping and refillin coolant. Any ideas was thinkin maybe heater core, thermostat, or control valve?

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I have a 98 explorer SOHC 4.0 and it has a very slow leak .... pretty sure it is where the water pump meets up with the block. The outside of the motor looks like it is spattered with milkshake, which is what antifreeze and motor oil look like when mixed together.

At least it is on the outside of the motor ... if the oil inside the motor looks like that, it typically means a bad head gasket or less commonly, a cracked head or block.

I have plans to switch to an electric fan, so a new water pump is in the plans for me at that time.

If your leak is picking up speed, the silver lining there is that it won't be long until it is easier to diagnose ... eventually, it will be pretty obvious. If you suspect the heater core, run your defroster at high temp. If it fogs the windshield instead of clearing it and leaves a greasy film (antifreeze) ... there's your answer.

it does fog up so my answer is ? heater core or ?

the leak hasnt really picked up as far as when it sits but when driving the coolent gets eatin up very quick like a few miles before i have to stop and refill. As soon as I refill it is fine but wont start till then.

Welcome to this forum! I've moved your thread into the Aerostar section. Connect a cooling system pressure tester onto the radiator to pressurize the system with the engine off. This will help you locate the leak. Autozone loans them under their tool loaning program.

If your A/C system is working you would probably smell a sweet type coolant smell if your heater core is leaking some when the A/C turns on.
