1997 Explorer Key less Entry | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1997 Explorer Key less Entry


Elite Explorer
February 6, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
No. Alabama USA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Blue Ex 4.0 SOHC
KAGG 3611 (CB)
When I purchased the blue '97 the PO said that he had unplugged a computer box in the left rear quarter panel that had to do with the car alarm that would go off at night unexpectedly and if I understand correctly disabled the auto door lock feature too. I would like to do this to my white one too however I'm not near the blue one currently to see which one to unplug. Maybe one of you guys that has done this before can tell me which of the two boxes to unplug and I am hoping that this will disable the auto door lock feature too. Thanks!

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I had the same problem, come to find out the previous owner had, or had installed an aftermarket alarm system on top of the factory anti-theft system. The module seen in the photo started to malfunction and the horn/alarm would randomly decide to sound off, very annoying.
When I went to investigate, I found the assorted wiring and control module under the steering column, upon removing all the NON stock wiring and other junk brought the truck back to normal, all stock features now work as intended.
I am not saying this is your problem, just something to look out for. Stealerships like to add on other products to get more money from the customer, even when not necessary! I HATE EM!

Was there a factory alarm system in 1997 ? I noticed on my white one some extra wires attached to the fuse box on the interior of the vehicle leading me to believe that an ad on alarm system had been added.

(This has to do with my white '97) Well after searching here and Google I found pictures of what the RAP module looks like. I unplugged the antenna wire then the multi wire connector closest to the top and the horn started beeping. Then I unplugged the bottom connector and the horn stopped beeping.
I sat down in the truck, started up, put it in gear, backed up twenty feet, pulled forward 20 feet and the doors never did "autolock" themselves. That is what I have been trying to disarm off and on for about a month. Every time that I attempted to disarm it wouldn't. Maybe I havn't created any new problems unplugging it.
After I did this I looked n the jack handle opening of the blue '97 and saw that the RAP module is still hooked up. Now I wonder what the PO did to permanently disarm the factory alarm on the blue one?

Thanks @swshawaii. When my trim button puller tool arrives so that I can undo enough of the left rear interior panel to get the five digit code and disarm I will put everything back factory. I attempted to pry the panel out a little but I didn't want to crack it and I don't have a "dental" style mirror either.
I went back out to the Explorer to make sure that I can lock and unlock ALL doors when I press the button and I can.
Thanks again!

My battery died, and had the similar/same issues. I ended up replacing the RAP module with a junkyard unit. Matched part numbers both both units. All problems solved. The cost from a local pick-a-part yard was $20 since they called it a Computer Brain, and was sold AS-IS. I could have saved a bit getting one off eBay.

You could try to unplug it for a bit to see if it clears itself up. That didn't do anything in my case.

FYI: one of the harness wires might have a yellow tag attached to it showing the part number. It matched in my case, but could be different just to warn you.

To make things easy if you replace the RAP module, you could just unplug the old one, and plug the replacement in, and use zipties to secure it. That way, you don't have to deal with the removal of the interior panel. I did this for a while when I was waiting to see if the junkyard unit was going to work or not.

Thanks @swshawaii. When my trim button puller tool arrives so that I can undo enough of the left rear interior panel to get the five digit code and disarm I will put everything back factory. I attempted to pry the panel out a little but I didn't want to crack it and I don't have a "dental" style mirror either.
I went back out to the Explorer to make sure that I can lock and unlock ALL doors when I press the button and I can.
Thanks again!
I stuck a phone in there and took a picture to avoid taking it apart
