1998 Explorer 5.0 “Restoration2021” project | Page 29 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1998 Explorer 5.0 “Restoration2021” project

was about to say nice covid project, then checked the month of '21! nice truck man, and great progress! hope to do something liek that someday.

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Never had hose clamp problems UNTIL they started making cheapy ones / overseas sub par quality.....had to replace two on my brothers van...not even 6 months old ! !

Never had hose clamp problems UNTIL they started making cheapy ones / overseas sub par quality.....had to replace two on my brothers van...not even 6 months old ! !
High quality clamps are still very much available. You just are going to pay for them.

Never had hose clamp problems UNTIL they started making cheapy ones / overseas sub par quality.....had to replace two on my brothers van...not even 6 months old ! !

I haven't had any problems with the factory hose clamps. The worm drive type people replace them with, I have had to tighten those after installation of new hoses. The original clamps are a little stronger, I believe they also apply pressure over a larger area of the rubber hose. They can be very hard to install or remove depending on how they are oriented, and the special tool for them is very helpful.

the tool is a must if you do this daily like I do

It can be interesting to get on those clamps depending on who put them on and what tool they used to locate them. I have gotten better at installing them knowing I have the tool to remove them. Sometimes a nice pair of pliers is handy and the tool is still in a cabinet elsewhere, I/you have to think of the angle needed to get at the clamp later on, with all the other components in place.

I haven't had any problems with the factory hose clamps. The worm drive type people replace them with, I have had to tighten those after installation of new hoses. The original clamps are a little stronger, I believe they also apply pressure over a larger area of the rubber hose. They can be very hard to install or remove depending on how they are oriented, and the special tool for them is very helpful.
Only problem I've seen with the original spring clamps is they get old and lose their spring force when they are reused. Not all the time, but I've reused them and had them leak.

I have been impressed by them with my several 90's Fords. I hope they will hold their strength indefinitely, changing worm drive hose clamps due to them coming apart gets old eventually. The really old clamps of the 70's used to be a screw perpendicular to the hose, and driving it into a steel spring piece would tighten it. Those worked well for many years, but usage would damage the area where the pieces came together, and they'd break etc. Simple is good, it works better to hold hoses tight.

I have been impressed by them with my several 90's Fords. I hope they will hold their strength indefinitely, changing worm drive hose clamps due to them coming apart gets old eventually. The really old clamps of the 70's used to be a screw perpendicular to the hose, and driving it into a steel spring piece would tighten it. Those worked well for many years, but usage would damage the area where the pieces came together, and they'd break etc. Simple is good, it works better to hold hoses tight.
That's great! I've had some work well, I've have some fail. But you are right for sure that the new worm drive clamps aren't very good in most cases. my local hose shop sells some very nice worm drive clamps. But like Mbrooks420 stated, you'll pay for them.

Ditto, I have bought several worm drive clamps over the years, for times when some need replacing. The last ones I bought were a high end brand from a local hydraulics business. So I have spare clamps in case, but I hope to rarely need any. I hate to think of what some of them cost now.

Ditto, I have bought several worm drive clamps over the years, for times when some need replacing. The last ones I bought were a high end brand from a local hydraulics business. So I have spare clamps in case, but I hope to rarely need any. I hate to think of what some of them cost now.
I buy worm drive clamps wholesale at Autozone. A 10 pack is $2-4 depending on clamp size. The super nice ones at the hose shop are $2-3 each.

Got the intake off today. Bad news is the two front intake bolts broke. So that’s fun. Have to get those out in the morning. Need the EX back on the road by tomorrow night. Also had codes for the cam synchronizer. I posted about that a couple months ago. Finally getting to all this. The cam sensor was grinding into the top of the synchro. And the shaft has tons of play in it. So it has to go.
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Typical synchronizer failure. Magnet gets loose, but usually it chews the rotor up more.

Those two intake bolts suck! They go down into the water jacket on the 5.0 and can be a real pita to recover
Heat is your friend

Those four end intake bolts are prime locations to install studs, if you might worry about removing them later on.

Got one out nicely. Then my oxygen tank ran out. On my way to a friends to borrow his tank so I can complete the project. Second bolt is all drilled out just need to heat it again and spin it out. I'll update once I'm done.


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