1999 Ranger-Towing a 3.0 with automatic transmission | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1999 Ranger-Towing a 3.0 with automatic transmission


Elite Explorer
February 6, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
No. Alabama USA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Blue Ex 4.0 SOHC
KAGG 3611 (CB)
In my collection I have a 1999 Ranger. I need to put it on a tow dolly to take it to my Dad's old garage/shop 15 miles one way from where it is now located. I know it would be best to disconnect the driveshaft however on that short of a trip it would be towed in neutral and not going over 45 mph at the most. When I get to the destination I need to be able to drive it off of the Tow Dolly and into the building is the main reason to leave the D-shaft in and those 12 point 12mm flange bolts are a bit of a booger to get loose when they are factory tight.
The Ranger has a FF 3.0 and an auto trans in it.

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I don’t see a question anywhere or asking for opinions, but I’ll assume you are asking.
I would consider the fact that it’s a twenty year old auto trans, and one that is costly to repair and is very hard to find another, given the odd bolt pattern of the 3.0 engine.
Then I would compare that to how hard or troublesome it is to remove four bolts and then put those bolts back in when you get to the shop.
Or put the rear on the tow dolly if it’s 2wd.

Put the rear tires on the tow dolly and use the seatbelt to hold the steering wheel straight

I didn't start out by saying "I have a question" but I believe that most would be able to see the question from the context of the paragraph.
@RangerX Thanks and you figured that out but you may be smarter than the average person that may read this.
You make a good point. It is alot easier to remove 4 bolts than a trans R&R and rebuild a transmission. I guess that I will tow from the rear or remove the shaft. It is 2WD and thanks for your input!

I was gonna say put the transfer case in N but this is RWD so..........you must disco the rear d shaft
15 miles is probably NOT going to hurt your auto trans but you really should remove the d shaft as the trans will be spinning with no lubrication, even in N
I have an electric impact that can remove D shaft bolts.... I got tired of fighting them all the time
