2000 Ford Explorer charging system/fusible links | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2000 Ford Explorer charging system/fusible links


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June 8, 2011
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2000 XLS
My Explorer isn't delivering any charge to the battery. The alternator and starter have both been tested and are good. The battery has been replaced - twice - since the problem began. The battery continues to be drained, though. Are there any available schematics of the charging system? My next option is to check the fusible links in the charging system, but I'm not sure exactly where they're located.

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How do you know the battery is not being charged? Are you measuring the voltage at the battery with the engine running? You may have a drain on the system that is discharging the battery when the truck is off.

Check the megafuse...

If you look at the fuse panel under the hood next to the power brake booster there is a small cover on the engine side of that fuse panel...

Do you have voltage at the terminal on the back of the alternator? If you do not, the megafuse is blown and needs to be replaced...

Also is your battery charge light on the dash coming on? If it is not, either there is no voltage going to the alternator to start the charge process or the light in the IP is blown out and needs to be replaced...The alternator will not charge if that light bulb is blown out as well... Even if you have voltage to the alternator battery terminal on the back...

I had the battery and charging system tested at Advance Auto - both with the engine running and off. The only abnormal result of the test was that no charge is being delivered to the battery. No drain from the battery when the engine is off.

The battery light is coming on. I have not yet checked the voltage at the terminal at the back of the alternator. If there is no voltage there and the megafuse needs to be replaced, where do I find the megafuse? Is there an available diagram/schematic to guide me?

I had the battery and charging system tested at Advance Auto - both with the engine running and off. The only abnormal result of the test was that no charge is being delivered to the battery. No drain from the battery when the engine is off.

The battery light is coming on. I have not yet checked the voltage at the terminal at the back of the alternator. If there is no voltage there and the megafuse needs to be replaced, where do I find the megafuse? Is there an available diagram/schematic to guide me?

The megafuse is located on the engine side of the power distribution box under the hood. It has a flip out cover that when opened exposes the megafuse... Look under the hood on the drivers side next to the brake master cylinder area... On the engine side of the power distribution box open the small hinged cover...


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I am having same problem, but autozone guy said megafuse is good, any other possible easy fixes ??
