2000 Sport 4.0 to 4.6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2000 Sport 4.0 to 4.6


October 4, 2010
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Birmingham Alabama
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Explorer Sport
So the ol girls gettin on her years at 197,000... Timing chain tensioner is driving me nuts. I want so badly to put a 4.6L GT motor in it. Any advice? Will it even fit?

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So many threads on this. 4.6 is taller then the 5.0. I think a body lift will help you out. It will fit, but not without some mods.

You can buy the 5.0 truck for the same cost of the swap, and the 5.0 is as good as the 4.6 all day. If you must go 4.6, forget the GT and get the Cobra version. :)

Doesnt the 5.0 only have like 180 hp and torque? or something really low or around the same as the SOHC?

bleh... this is beginning to look like more money then im ever gonna have for this project. cant find anyone that even wants to do this for the money. So the 02 model explorer sports have the new version of the SOHC that doesnt have the dreaded death rattle? And do they have the God awful independent suspension with the horrible horrible wheel bearings?

bleh... this is beginning to look like more money then im ever gonna have for this project. cant find anyone that even wants to do this for the money. So the 02 model explorer sports have the new version of the SOHC that doesnt have the dreaded death rattle? And do they have the God awful independent suspension with the horrible horrible wheel bearings?

Sports are solid axles. AFAIK the redesigned tensioners weren't implemented until 2005.

well damn. idk what im gonna do. there isnt an explorer anywhere near me for less than 5 grand. not one that i want anyway. and apparently the front end has independant.... so i guess i can add about 900 bucks to the price of whatever i find so ill already have the money to get those horrible wheel bearings replaced. i wish i could just do all this **** myself =(

Just swap in an 05+ mustang motor that's what I plan on doing. Though you'll have to swap accessories over and the intake to the new engine.

I just put a 2007 Ranger motor in mine. 24K miles on it, got it for $800.

I guess i could do that, but doesnt that require a new tranny, wiring harness, computer and all that other stuff? and who can do this? certainly not ford right? i would do it my self, but i have zero mechanical skills. i can change oil, tires, alternators, batteries....simple ****. Its a damn shame because dad is a senior master technician for ford. (retired at 63 with a broken back) so no help there.

The Sport has the same suspension as the 95-01's, until the new body style of 06.

The swaps other have done to later model 4.0's use the existing computer, trans etc.

BTW, the updated SOHC tensioner parts are 2002 parts. Those are still not forever parts for 2002+ models. They all need to have them replaced more often than other engines. Plan for 100k as a safer service interval.

Thus the advantage of the 302, which still could use a new timing chain every 100-150k miles. They just don't go bad, or that bad, like the SOHC and come apart.

This is all just makes me very sad. Looks like ill just get an 02 sport. Man im gonna cry like a little girl when ol molly dies. had some some good times in that ol explorer.

If you love the truck, save it. Swapping to the 302 isn't that bad because all of the parts needed are stock parts available in tons of 96-01 4drs.

yeah but all the mechanics i know wouldnt touch that job with a ten foot pole. Ford certainly isnt going to do it either.

I wonder if there isn't someone here who could point you to a shop or person who would do it. There are many examples here of the stock V8 swapped into Sport and Sport Trac trucks. They go right in, it's just a matter of knowing which parts are needed, thus the suggestion of a donor vehicle(has all or most of the parts). It can't be done feasibly by obtaining parts individually, most need to come from one vehicle.

So can anyone tell me what all exactly i'll need to do the 5.0 swap? And anyone know around how long it would take do something like that?

Be realistic

I suggest that you evaluate your technical skills and your financial means to accomplish the 4.0L to 5.0L swap. You'll need to purchase a donor vehicle which is getting harder to find. You'll need a vehicle to drive while the swap is in progress. You'll need to pay for custom exhaust work. There will be electrical problems to resolve. If you don't have the technical skills - nor the help of someone that does - nor the financial resources then I suggest that you be realistic about the probability of completing the swap. I contemplated doing the swap for over a year. I have the time, skills and resources and yet decided not to try it for various reasons. One reason was subdivision restrictions prohibiting working on vehicles and having vehicles parked in the driveway. Another was the limited exhaust performance potential due to limited space in the engine compartment.

I love my 2000 Sport. I picked it from all possible two door midsize SUVs. I suggest that you learn how to maintain and repair it before attempting to swap the engine with a V8. If you decide to attempt the swap, you can count on help from me and many other forum members.

So can anyone tell me what all exactly i'll need to do the 5.0 swap? And anyone know around how long it would take do something like that?

I've done the swap in less than 7 days, but ive done several and know what I'm doing. If you try to tackle this yourself, plan 2-3 weeks easy...


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Oh theres no way in hell i can do this myself. but my dad has a friend that does nothing but motor swaps and other big jobs with motors. so i found someone that can do it, so now im just looking to see how much its going to cost and im gonna try and figure out what the hell to do about a vehicle in the meantime. Any bad downsides about the swap? besides gas mileage?
