2004 Explorer (2003 SOHC) "death rattle" | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2004 Explorer (2003 SOHC) "death rattle"

I'm told the head gaskets or the heads themselves won't handle the boost, did you change all that stuff on the X or use the Mustang motor, changing same?

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I bought a brand new remanufactured engine last year the year be for that a transmission rebuild this year installed supercharger
The engine is stock explorer shoc
I believe the mustang has the same engine
The install thread is in my signature
Some people have told me they ran 12lbs boost

@4pointslow uses the standard stock transmission 5r55e and runs lots more boost than me he may chime in
Ps his truck and this forum made me just have to supercharge my truck best part I have never drove it in all this time lol

thanks for sharing, I imagine the rebuilders know the OEM parts were crap. The rebuild is not cheap on the trans, and my 2 cents just completing it is to get the fully enhanced one from the company in IL, full upgrades, mine done locally, (couldn't wait with the daily driver need), meant paying same price, less some of the performance upgrades in the fliud flow that limit it weak POS trans to begin with.

thanks for sharing, I imagine the rebuilders know the OEM parts were crap. The rebuild is not cheap on the trans, and my 2 cents just completing it is to get the fully enhanced one from the company in IL, full upgrades, mine done locally, (couldn't wait with the daily driver need), meant paying same price, less some of the performance upgrades in the fliud flow that limit it weak POS trans to begin with.
He upgraded my trans with with a new valve body a shift kit some better bands extra clutch disks and steel and a new torque converter he made the trans cooler circulating all the time
A better pump check valve
$2500 it was a local guy a friend of a good friend I'm sure I got a deal ....and this guy is a genius with transmissions or so I'm told
Anyways some use the stock trans with no problems

I would expect trans cooler is flowing all the time

How was that done?

I would expect trans cooler is flowing all the time

How was that done?
I'm not 100% sure but I think he just removed a valve but I'm not sure

and the result is an X with a super charged Stang engine...?
Sadly no- /eventually/ the result will be a direct replacement SOHC! The replacement engine has been sitting on a pallet for two months whilst I was otherwise incredibly busy. Finally have free time, so my intention is to at least have the old engine pulled by the end of the week! Back to the hardware store tomorrow for a 14mm impact socket for the torque converter nuts and a wrench for the bell housing bolts. Nothing is easy!

Just a heads up- you'll want to ignore anyone who tells you to use a 9/16" wrench on torque converter nuts- got all mine off with a 14mm, but someone had munted (British English for "damaged") one of them thinking it was imperial. I can't help but think this was the primary reason I got the truck at a bargain basement price!

So the new motor is in and hooked up, turns over OK but need to charge the jumpstarter..

While it is, does anyone have any handy hints from experience for checks which are sensible after an engine replacement? Anything that tends to creep loose or fall off even though you could have sworn you tightened it properly? Things you broke without realising?
