2006 4.0L v6 Explorer is leaking coolant but can't locate? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2006 4.0L v6 Explorer is leaking coolant but can't locate?

looks like you do that by becoming an elite explorer .... but I like an option on choosing the amount and getting no frills ...... I cant ever get lucky with problems seams like mine are always really advanced and never get reply's... I joined this site because I just bought a 2007 xlt because my 1998 just **** out and not 1 month after signing for it the cluster took a **** and was hoping I was missing a hidden fuse before taking it in and seeing what this service contract I payed $1200 for is good for... I never had luck with any warranty programs so I cant see a service contract working for me.... worst one was the factory warranty on my 2004 cobra I bought new... ford said I was too young for that kind of car and voided it when the rear diff cover snapped....

Lol, you should have took that car and drove it directly up fords ass and bought another companies product.

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i worked for ford.... gotta support the team

Hey Guys -

Replacing the Radiator this weekend, since Ive got free time for some work (and mine is about to be toast.. I see a slight split up top) but I wanted to bypass my heater core

Is there just one part I use or do I have to make one myself?

I had the same problem with my 2006 XLT. As it turns out, the 2006-9 Explorers with the 4.0L have a serious radiator problem. As it happens I'm replacing mine this week. Another faulty part is the thermostat housing, I had one of those split all the way down to side where it was sealed from the factory, you might check those, also it not very expensive to have a pressure test done, that will show it for sure.

Hey Guys -

Replacing the Radiator this weekend, since Ive got free time for some work (and mine is about to be toast.. I see a slight split up top) but I wanted to bypass my heater core

Is there just one part I use or do I have to make one myself?

For the heater core you will have to buy the brass fittings at your local hardware store along with some hose clamps and make it yourself.

Does anyone know of a breakdown for the heater core bypass? What to buy and how to do it?

I replaced my water pump and housing last year.

Also I believe I'm missing a bolt on my fan. Does anyone know their size?

Thanks so much for absolutely everything guys
