2008 Explorer XLT blower motor resistor procedure | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2008 Explorer XLT blower motor resistor procedure

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So I completed the repair over the weekend and can share that you either need very small hands or specific tools to get this done. Main issue was getting the larger black box (I believe referenced as a 4WD module) removed. The back screw is a pain in the arse to access. a 1/4 drive swivel would help.
I also just removed the glove box altogether to get better access from underneath as well as through the opening.
But in the end, it is done and all fan speeds now work, woohoo!!

Glad you got it fixed.

Hi all, quick question on this one - my 2008 EB has the rear air vents - can someone confirm which resistor I'll need? I noticed the comments that the Limited had a different part than XLT , I assume due to the rear air package? THX!

If you have the auto climate control, you'll need the expensive resistor.

One of the pics on the first page shows that particular resistor. My '06 EB had the same issue. I thought..."no big deal" went in to carquest, asked for it...they rang me up, said the total...I damned near **** my pants...WTF'nH..LOL.

Worth it to have air at all speeds, but son of a *****, it ought to come with a bit of vaseline.. ;)

If you have the auto climate control, you'll need the expensive resistor.

One of the pics on the first page shows that particular resistor. My '06 EB had the same issue. I thought..."no big deal" went in to carquest, asked for it...they rang me up, said the total...I damned near **** my pants...WTF'nH..LOL.

Worth it to have air at all speeds, but son of a *****, it ought to come with a bit of vaseline.. ;)

Oh, I have the dumb version for sure - all dials and knobs (single zone up front). Assume the "auto" was a digital/dual zone setup? No such lux in mine!

Yeah, all fancy schmancy lol


That I think is the blower motor resistor you need it's between 40 and 50 US dollars
Tools needed is a socket and a long extension or multiple short extensions.

To get to where it is at you need to remove everything out of the glove box.
Then press in on the sides so you can get the stops past the dash and the glove box should drop down out of your way.
Look strait back and you should see the connector for the resistor pull it off and get a socket wrench that will fit the two screws holding it in. Fairly easy job.
For reassembly do the reverse I will try and post pictures in the next post.

I did this tonight on my 2008 4WD and your photos were spot on, thank you so much. I bought the Motorcraft part for $51 delivered from Rock Auto.
Getting a light in the right place to see with my hand in the way was the biggest pain with the lack of room. It will be great to have the #1 and 2 setting again. Thanks again for taking the time for the explanation and photos.

I did this tonight on my 2008 4WD and your photos were spot on, thank you so much. I bought the Motorcraft part for $51 delivered from Rock Auto.
Getting a light in the right place to see with my hand in the way was the biggest pain with the lack of room. It will be great to have the #1 and 2 setting again. Thanks again for taking the time for the explanation and photos.

I am glad I could help you out. I agree not the most roomest place to try and see what you are doing. The only worse thing to change is the actual blower motor which is in the footwell. You basicly need to be a contortionist to get it out.

I just went through this process - 2010 EB 4.0. Blower only worked on speeds 3 & 4. Replaced the resistor and…. Still only works on speeds 3 & 4. What else could be the issue, the control switch on the dash?

I just went through this process - 2010 EB 4.0. Blower only worked on speeds 3 & 4. Replaced the resistor and…. Still only works on speeds 3 & 4. What else could be the issue, the control switch on the dash?
yes the switch on the dash could be the issue. if you have a multimeter you could test the resistor as it is possible you got a bad one. you can also test the switch and blower motor with a multimeter to rule out a possible bad ground or loose connection.
