2009 F-1 Fiddy.......seen it yet?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2009 F-1 Fiddy.......seen it yet??


Explorer Addict
November 20, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Morgantown, WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT 4x4 4.0
Anyone seen this thing in person yet?? I checked out one on the lot today and fell in love instantly. From all the pictures I wasnt sure if I was going to like the new style but it looks 100 times better in person. And the inside of this thing is INSANE!!! I was looking at the supercrew and the back seat has more damn room than the front seat of my supercrew. The inside of this thing is ginormous.

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i saw a 09 f150 base model today when i was on my way picking up my gf i saw it in front of the ford delearship up on a ramp.

Was out and about today and drove past a dealer and saw them. Got out to go look, a salesman walked up to me crunched some #s and got me thinking:) could i? should i? the idea will float around for a few months before i actually decide on yes or no.

I would want it in 4x4 so i would probably have to order one because my local dealers rarley get 4x4 anything. Let alone a Brand new F-150.

i cant wait till the diesel of the f150 comes out i wanna test drive on real bad

WOAH are they going to sell those here in California Sam?

I still think I'm goign to wait until the F-100 makes it's comeback. It'll be bigger then teh Ranger, but just a tad smaller then the F-150. I want a new truck, but not that huge. After college I've thought a lot about a Frontier or Tacoma. But when I heard the F-100 was coming out, and it'd be about 9/10 the size of the F-150, that's perfect for what I need.

I also heard somewhere else, that turbo's might make an appearance, but with the way gas prices have gone down I'm not sure anymore. It was supposed to be to have the trucks get better mileage then they normally do, but who knows now.

Holding out for Diesel;)

But I saw some on the way to a lot just this morning.

LA Auto show is in a few weeks so I'll check it out then;)

I instantly fell in love with the inside of this thing, and the cloth seats I sat in were uber comfy. To bad I probably wont ever be able to afford the $41,000 price tag for this FX4.

Been seein' them for months... Of course, it helps that I work for Ford here in Dearborn... Kind of raises the odd, y'know? ;)

awww man when will the diesel come out

awww man when will the diesel come out

Haven't heard anything officially, and everything I have heard conflicts with everything... The latest rumor seems to be 2010... as I predicted months ago. They were pushing for an '09 launch, but they've had some bugs... to be expected from an entirely new engine design. It may make it to market as a late-model '09, but I wouldn't hold my breath. With the 2-month delay on the '09 launch, combined with the sluggish sales, I think the diesel's going to get pushed back, if it gets sold at all (another rumor I've heard is that they scrapped the idea to save money... who knows??)

Here's a nice teaser for ya' though...


Last I heard, it's still a go... We've had a couple issues with some of the shocks, but those have since been resolved...


How did they improve the gas mileage on these while keeping the same engine, according to the 50 commercials I've already seen these are getting 21mpg on the highway.

My guess would be better tuning, and lots of hours spent on the dyno, refining intakes, exhausts, and PCM programming... There are lots of strategies they can use to reduce fuel consumption... the electronic technologies have finally caught up with the concepts.

But I really have no clue...

How did they improve the gas mileage on these while keeping the same engine, according to the 50 commercials I've already seen these are getting 21mpg on the highway.

They read Aldive's thread.

But I'm wondering if that's the city or highway mileage. Most commercials advertise highway mileage. If that's the case, I'm not impressed with a "whopping 21 miles a gallon" stock.

I really like the new F150, but I jumped ship- my new Silverado will be here in December :)

I did like that the F150 got Sync- it has a USB connector on the dash and an upper mounted multifunction display. It also got the integrated trailer brake controller from the SD.

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2010 SVT F-150 teaser...

Available 16-valve 6.2L V-8, good for roughly 400 Hp, 400 lb*ft.... blowing through a 4.10 rear end... Niiiiice. :)

Oh, and in case nobody mentioned it,... 4 wheel drive. :)
